Tick today


Dec 7, 2008
Why not just pull them off with your fingers?

I have had full ticks (bloated with blood) on my dogs that have exploded when trying to get off. This scoop on these tweezers avoids that or lets you examine it to see what kind it is with the magnifying glass. I "Frontline" my dogs but they are still susceptible on their face, where I found one last spring. As big as a raisin it was... darn things.

I had one on each leg after a hike through Wells Mills Park this week.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Who...PETA or the ticks??? Hehehehehe!!!

Be safe, get 'em both. :dance: :dance: :dance:

Just pulled one sucker off my waist, must have rode all the way home with me.

Was up in the NE today exploring the Old Mine Road, built around 1650 and the Military Supply Road used during the Revolution.

Home and mill site on Van Campens Brook.


Hull family Father & son gravesite, off the Military Supply Road, circa 1860.


Fort John blockhouse remains, circa 1755.


Sue Gremlin

Sep 13, 2005
Vicksburg, Michigan
I have had full ticks (bloated with blood) on my dogs that have exploded when trying to get off. This scoop on these tweezers avoids that or lets you examine it to see what kind it is with the magnifying glass. I "Frontline" my dogs but they are still susceptible on their face, where I found one last spring. As big as a raisin it was... darn things.

I had one on each leg after a hike through Wells Mills Park this week.

If your dog is still getting ticks with Frontline, it ain't doing the trick. There are other things out there for that. Preventic collar is excellent tick control for dogs. Just excellent. There is also a new spot on for dogs containing the same ingredient in the preventic collar that works great if you can't deal with collars.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Can I wear one of these collars? I mean, if they work for furry dogs why can't they work for us. It will be the new rural fashion. I mean, i wouldn't wear it to a wedding or anything, but casual outdoor apparel.



Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Can I wear one of these collars? I mean, if they work for furry dogs why can't they work for us. It will be the new rural fashion. I mean, i wouldn't wear it to a wedding or anything, but casual outdoor apparel.


I've seen folks that wear them around their clothes on the ankles, not sure if they work or how many times they trip over things. I guess to be safe it would be best to have a pair at the ankles, another at the knees and a couple hanging on a belt. Wonder if they come in a camo pattern. :rofl:


Feb 4, 2009
a village...in the pines
Had Lymes in the early 90s with classic case symptoms....had vaccines....now I hear nothing about the "vaccines". No talk about ill effects, latent afflictions because of it....I'm kind of with Mac on this. My doctor at the time suggested the vaccines after my diagnosis. So I guess I am forever plagued with testing false positive and wondering if a persistent ache is more than advancing age.
Ehhh, regardless, I still continue to attract the little buggers. Dog picked up one at the end of January (marked on calendar). I picked up 4 last Thursday - 3 on/1 in. Time to spray as I am not willing to give up my peace in the woods.

46er....Was up in the NE today exploring the Old Mine Road, built around 1650 and the Military Supply Road used during the Revolution.

Is this the same Old Mine Road that we would have hiked on the Jersey side at Worthington? I recall hiking that a few years back while scouting out waterfalls in the region. Beautiful area, think I'd like to head back there. Thanks,



Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Is this the same Old Mine Road that we would have hiked on the Jersey side at Worthington? I recall hiking that a few years back while scouting out waterfalls in the region. Beautiful area, think I'd like to head back there. Thanks,


A late reply; it is the same road, but is the dirt portion north of the Flatbrook. It is in the Delaware Water Gap NRA.

Sue Gremlin

Sep 13, 2005
Vicksburg, Michigan
I've had success using Deep Woods OFF. If they're embeded, spray it on the tick and it will pull out of your skin within a minute.

I use to just "pull them out" but that isn't safe. Vaseline or rubbing alcohol sometimes kills them embedded.

I'm going to have to give you the same little speech I have given here before.
Pulling them out IS safe.
Putting anything, including insect repellent, a hot match, vaseline or rubbing alcohol, on them, is most certainly the least safe way of doing it. Anything you put on them will increase the chance of them releasing whatever microbe is in their saliva into you.
The CDC backs me up on this. Get yourself a pair of tweezers and pull them out by grasping them as close to the skin as possible, avoiding crushing the body.



Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I never use tweezers, too easy to squeeze their disease into you. I prefer a credit card; cut a small notch into one edge and use that to scrape them out. Have never had a problem leaving tick body parts behind. You can also buy one, but why bother.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
That's interesting. I've wandered around the Delaware Water Gap many times and was up there a week and a half ago again. I have never seen a tick on any of my walks.

They are out in full force here, but I don't even think about them anymore. I just use my permethrin treated clothes and they are not an issue. I felt one on my leg under my pants a couple days ago. Reached down to grab it and it was all curled up, dying from contacting my socks and pants on the way up.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I just use my permethrin treated clothes and they are not an issue.

That stuff is the best, only thing that is effective.

I'll be up that way to do some trout fishing and waterfall picture taking this week in and around Walpack.