Weird New Jersey = Dumb Daughter

Just got a call from the Cliffton police department. My 17 year old was taken into custody for criminal trespass. I don't recall the site they where caught at but but the officer said they are always catching kids going in there and he said it is a popular WNJ site.


Edit: It was "The Gates of Hell". Little does she know it will be like the real "Gates of Hell" she is entering when she gets home.:jd: :jd: :jd:


Apr 11, 2005
potter co. pa.
good thing she is 17 and not 18

i went through the same thing when my kids were around the same age, now those days are past and they are now responsible, i think ?

have a :guinness: things will get better
To tell you the truth I think it's pretty funny but I still have to give it to her when she gets home :jeffd: . I hope I can do it with a straight face. What bothers me the most is that she went on a "road trip" without my permission.
One of the parents of one of the other kids is going up to get them.



May 10, 2003
I'm young and grew up doing this stuff. The only thought I have on the topic is: It sure is a shame that she went through all that trouble to get busted at such a lame spot... If she made it all the way up to Clifton, there are a dozen better "Weird" places to explore in that area. Do her a favor and take her to some interesting Pines ruins but make sure she won't be able to find it later so she can't take her friends.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
WeirdNJ in general is lame. I received the book for Christmas and what a looser that was. Most of it was just tall tales from their readers who even steal the tall tale ideas from others.

Well I did manage to chew her out with out cracking a smile. She's grounded until further notice and the house is getting a spring cleaning.:D She's a good kid and this is the first (and I hope last) time she's gotten into any kind of trouble. I can't even remember the last time I had to ground her. The kid that was driving got into a little more trouble. The police found on him a hunting knife, a pocket knife and brass knuckles. I'm thinking no ghosts were gonna mess with him. The strangest thing is that I now have an urge to visit "The Gates of Hell". But I won't.



Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
My youngest son just got locked up at college (Millersville Univ.) for detonating illegal fireworks.
They cuffed him and charged him and a friend with disorderly persons and waived the fireworks possession.
They somehow got their paws on commercial grade fireworks and were lauching the from mortar tubes over a local golf course.
It cost him a $300.00 fine that had to be paid within 30 days or he would have had jail time.
The town did not offer any payment plans or any other programs in lieu of the fine. That's the way it should be.
Kids will do the darndest things!
On one hand I can't wait for them to get older and out of the house but on the other hand I wish they were still 10.
Good luck Steve and I am sure your daughter will do the right thing in the future.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Can't say I didn't do my share of trespassing and whatnot when I was younger. Now it's just not worth the consequences if I get caught.

There were some cool abandoned houses in Eatowntown back in the day.

Piney Boy

Sep 19, 2005
Williamstown, NJ
In the pre-Wierd NJ days sights weren't as trespassed by the sheer numbers they are today. Kids read about some illeagal place and road trip to find it. In the past places generally stayed local with regards to trespassing, now they are inundated with it.
For us it was places like Ancora, The Blue Hole, and the old Institution outside of Deptford. On a side note, the place outside of Deptford was torn down because of all the Weird NJ trespass numbers.


Mar 20, 2006
Piney Boy said:
For us it was places like Ancora, The Blue Hole, and the old Institution outside of Deptford. On a side note, the place outside of Deptford was torn down because of all the Weird NJ trespass numbers.

i've never heard of the place outside of deptford... do you know when it was torn down/where to get more info on it?

Piney Boy

Sep 19, 2005
Williamstown, NJ
WAMBA said:
i've never heard of the place outside of deptford... do you know when it was torn down/where to get more info on it?

Next to the Juvenile facility and 4H Grounds right next to Deptford, but don't think its considered Deptford. It was an old large ornate building that was part of the institution. The place was torn down 3 odd years ago. I stopped and asked on one of the demolition days and they told me it was indeed related to the increase in trespass.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Well, Ace Campground is getting torn down for the same reason (although not because of WNJ, but probably because of all of the attention it got from this site.)

I wonder if that Gordon kid (a/k/a JohnnyGunther) ever got there. He's been busy spraypainting my name and Guy's name all over the pines, still.
Piney Boy:

You are referring to the Camden County institutional facility at Lakeland in Gloucester Township. The governmental complex here dates to December 1800, when Old Gloucester County purchased land along Timber Creek for establishing an almshouse, although they failed to construct the first building until 1816. The county added buildings, such as a small building for the insane, to the property as needed. In 1844, the state legislature approved the erection of Camden County out of Gloucester County. The two counties operated the Timber Creek complex jointly until 1861, when New Jersey lawmakers approved the sale of the facility to Camden County, along with the woodland in Williamstown. The legislature adjusted the county boundary accordingly in this act as the Timber Creek had served as the line between the counties and Lakeland transcended that line. Camden County added new buildings and a poor farm to its county facilities at Lakeland during the late nineteenth century and into the twentieth century. The razed building you refer to was the former county mental hospital, first built in 1878, but enlarged in 1881, 1898, 1925, 1933, and 1936. It fell out of use as an insane asylum and became a training facility for the police before being abandoned entirely.


Piney Boy

Sep 19, 2005
Williamstown, NJ
bruset said:
Well, Ace Campground is getting torn down for the same reason (although not because of WNJ, but probably because of all of the attention it got from this site.)

I wonder if that Gordon kid (a/k/a JohnnyGunther) ever got there. He's been busy spraypainting my name and Guy's name all over the pines, still.

For years now I've toyed with an idea for a Jersey Magazine celebrating our wonderful culture and heritage, not just the odd and abandoned. Maybe its time to bust that mutha out, cause I'm getting a little annoyed at the negative attention and downright goofy topics that come up because of WNJ.