I was successful once again in the beaver and otter permit lottery this year and was I awarded both a beaver and an otter permit. The season opens on the day after Christmas so I did some preliminary trap line scouting in Wharton this afternoon to prepare.
While traveling in my truck and on foot for almost 3 hours I was passed by two groups of off-roaders. The first group consisted of a UTV and three motorcycles traveling on what is now an off-limits road, per THE MAP. I was on foot and down inside a pond edge and they never saw me.
The second group I encountered while driving back home was coming out of a road that was mapped in 1870 by Vermuele that is now off-limits to you and I. They were turning onto the road I was traveling, which is actually open to everyone, per THE MAP. I pulled off onto the left side of the road because there was more room and the leader of group proceeded to wheelie on by and wave to me. The second rider, on a UTV, acknowledged me, slowed, and gave hand signals to the closest followers to back down as he reduced his speed. The rest of the group included three more UTV's, a couple of quads and the rest motorcycles. 9 or 10 vehicles altogether and all pleasantly acknowledged me. Several of the two strokes were burning Bel-Ray two-stroke oil (if you know that smell you know

) and it instantly triggered a lot of good memories for me of the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's. I started out my Pine Barrens riding with street legal, tagged, and insured 400 cc two-stroke Yamaha DT Enduros and eventually graduated to an evil beast 1983 Honda CR-480, untagged and uninsured, from there.
I guess my take-away while writing all of this, and after drinking two glasses of my homemade wine and slugging down an Icarus IPA for an opener, is that enforcement of the new rules will be complicated and nearly impossible in every part of Wharton going forward.
Good night John Boys and Girls.