Looks like the snow thrower can stay in storage this weekend. 
Natl Weather Service - Philadelphia/Mount Holly

Natl Weather Service - Philadelphia/Mount Holly
I guess it could be worse. Sounds like next week Indiana is going to get hammered with the next storm mid week. We won’t get much though.I"m going to be driving to Indiana saturday and back Sunday,Oh Joy!
Great news, keep it coming!This one really didn't amount to much here. Get ready for the next one!Getting even warmer, no snow. And it looks like the biggest impact will be West of the Pines.
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It wasn’t me that said the wind was howling. But it’s howling here. Sounds like it’s going to be a long night. My kids came home saying all the teachers told them that they weren’t going to have school tomorrow or at least a two hour delay.Not looking good here in Mercer County, lots of localized flooding and I'm thinking that the Delaware might go over flood stage. I think there's going to be some damage to homes, and like Smokejumper said the wind is howling here too. The ground is already saturated from all of the rain we had in December-January. Very concerning.