Yeah, it does seem odd, but as Scott pointed out it is beaver season. I don't understand the nature of this trapping method either, it does seem like a tough time of year to trap them.
Do to the close proximity to the beaver lodge, I would have to lean toward beaver or hunters for the holes as opposed to otter. If it is beaver or otter they would have to break the ice often before it got too thick. I couldn't see either being strong enough to break fully frozen ice right...
After just posting my last thread, I am not 100% that the holes were caused by beaver. The lodge had a pretty good sized cache so they would probably not need to leave the pond. It is possible that the holes were caused by trappers. Breaking ice and placing traps under it. I only researched...
:siren: I was out on a snow covered frozen bog the other day and noticed "holes" in the vicinity of a beaver lodge. by holes I mean there were approx. 2 foot square knock outs in the ice which had frozen over again to a very thin layer of ice. After noticing that, I noticed more which were...
I had forgotten it was Sam Moore who saw that bear. I would have brought that up to him if I remembered. I hope he didn't aquire that old road there in your post #47, as I use that one from time to time. I think they aquired land a little south of that. I will contact him because, while Bens...
So I went to the same area of the woods today that I visited on friday to see if there were any new postings or anything. Walked out on a frozen bog also.
Anyway, I pulled down one road that I knew was gated at a certain point as it ran into Moores property. I stopped a little short...
I was in the woods yesterday and ran into some friendly hunters. In our conversation, it was mentioned that Sam Moore (Moores Meadows) recently purchased more land and had set up poles to block entry to areas of the woods previously accessable. This would have been along the western edge of...
I agree Gabe, vandalism is nothing new and certainly not generation specific. I would suspect that as the number of people living around the fringes of the pines has increased, the likely hood of vandalism has, subsequently, risen with it.
Just wanted to add...I've had come-a-longs (the chinese made variety) shear their sprockets on me, rendering them useless. I finally bought an old american made engine hoist (3 or 4 ton) and it is great! I also got it pretty cheap. It is old, but very well made. I now use the chinese made...
A Great Hike!! One of the best!!
Here is a different perspective on the uprooted tree. The tree Bob is leaning against is the one in the previous photos, you can see there is an equally enormous uproot behind it.
Cat tail Tom
Who says there are no mountains in the pine barrens...
Nice input, Jerseyman. Now the big question...where was the cabin that burnt down, who's was it, and why did they build it in a swamp? If it has been swallowed up by the development of bogs at Sim place I guess we'll never know. Another ghost in the pines.