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  1. dragoncjo

    Thousands of Red Admirals

    I was down in deep south jersey today and the amount of these was insane. At points they were flying into my face and I couldn't walk forward without running into them.
  2. dragoncjo


    I thought maybe it was 'poor tom' it was reminding me off, but I still can't figure it out...whatever it reminds me of is a sound I really like.
  3. dragoncjo


    Jeff, I went through a bunch of Zeppelin songs after trying to figure out what it reminded me off. I realized it reminded me of alot of Zeppelin songs but like you said the music that influence zep is the what it really is.
  4. dragoncjo


    Ghost of Barnegat is my favorite. There is a Zeppelin song and I can't put my finger on the exact one, but this song reminds me of it. Jeff nice work, great sounds.
  5. dragoncjo

    More land lost

    If the plot is right on PA ave, then that is a ashame. That is a nice little stretch right there with some of the pb species in there. My favorite line is it provide lots of construction jobs in the short term. We need to consider some long term things soon, we continue to focus on the short...
  6. dragoncjo

    More land lost

    Having a hard time figuring out where the development is occurring. Pennsylvania ave has some nice woodlands, hope its not will burry 100's of box turtles.
  7. dragoncjo

    Snake ID

    Ed you found yourself a redbelly snake. The vary alot from gray to brown. I've only seen three of these in the pines and finding one above the surface is get rare.
  8. dragoncjo

    Hi Ed,

    Hi Ed,
  9. dragoncjo

    Whitesbog frogging

    Scott, I'll shoot you a pm with details.
  10. dragoncjo

    Whitesbog frogging

    They are targeting spotted turtles or mud turtles. This is an ongoing issue and hopefully justice is served before the species is functionally extinct at this spot, may be too late however...has been going on for years. Scott you or anyone else please let me know or fish and game if you see...
  11. dragoncjo

    Whitesbog frogging

    Well the good news Guy is that I now have a few more watchdogs out there helping to keep the ecology of the pines safe, thanks oji and turtle.
  12. dragoncjo

    Drought coming?

    We need rain but why the weekends, hah.....but no seriously its getting bad out there the trails in the barrens are like a dust bowl. Lots of the ditches that are normally full are bone dry....personally I've never seen it this bad.
  13. dragoncjo

    Traffic in the Pines

    Round numbers always seem to provide resistence to things. People will drive all day at 3.98 but 4.00 send off the alarms in their head.
  14. dragoncjo

    Traffic in the Pines

    I noticed a good deal less people in 2008 when gas prices were up. I know personally my drives out to the barrens will be less frequent if prices are high.
  15. dragoncjo

    Wharton State Forest on Fire

    So I'm guessing this is at the triangle section formed by sooy and south park, the woods back there is thick as anything.
  16. dragoncjo

    Wharton State Forest on Fire

    It is north of 532 correct?
  17. dragoncjo

    Wharton State Forest on Fire

    Without lightning how do these fires start. Three fires this quickly makes you wonder if they are intentional, especially considering all the media attention.
  18. dragoncjo

    Whats the possibility??

    Corn snake, racer, pine, black rat will all rattle there tail. The corn and pine normally will only do this if you very close....the racer tends to do it a bit quicker. Like Jeff mentioned a real rattle by a rattlesnake will cause you body to move before you brain even thinks about it.
  19. dragoncjo

    Whats the possibility??

    The fear of snakes, particularly rattlesnakes is fairly unwarranted. The experience I listed above is rare and a situation in which I got myself in because I was near a den while tracking and had slight loss of focus. Seeing a rattlesnake is really a symbol of the woods being wild. They...