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  1. V

    I put in at Wilson Lake today

    I put in at Wilson Lake today and got pretty far upstream. I was amazed how far I could go without getting stuck. I did have a kayak. I never knew I had a mini river a mile from my house.
  2. V

    Kayak - More enjoyable

    With all due respect Anyone renting usually doesn't know a whole lot anyhow. Idiots. I'm surprised we don't hear more stories like that. I would go upstream with another person and not tell anyone else. If I ever have to rent or even get a ride from a rental establishment I wouldn't go anymore.
  3. V

    Kayak trip report - Mullica mar.21/22

    with a kayak. you might have to get out 4-5 times in the canoe passable with a kayak. you might have to get out 4-5 times in the canoe for low water/ downed trees
  4. V

    Kayak trip report - Mullica mar.21/22

    Definetly passable There were around 6-7 trees down at various spots. We had forgot our camping saw so no cutting. We never had to get out of the kayak. A few tight spots and a bit of lazy man gyrating over logs we were good to go. Beautiful to be out and glad we didn't dump.
  5. V

    Kayak - More enjoyable

    A question for those who have a few hours instead of a whole day. What do you enjoy more? Putting in Harrisville and going upstream for a few hours and heading back or Putting in Batsto and going upstream for a few hours and heading back
  6. V

    How's the water level at Oswego(River)

    has anyone been out there in the past week q
  7. V

    How's the water level at Oswego(River)

    Thinking about going on Friday
  8. V

    Kayak trip report - Mullica mar.21/22

    From 1 mile in from the dam to Pleasant Mills/right past 542. The water was extremely low at the start but we never did have to get out of the kayak. A few new drops(beaver's work I presume) from last summer/fall. The Savannah was awesome as always. Ran into a group of three fishing. Only...
  9. V

    kayak/wilderness camping issues????

    Issues, people rangers bothering you ?
  10. V

    kayak/wilderness camping issues????

    Issue - sucessful night - no fine Issue - successful night - no fine
  11. V

    kayak/wilderness camping issues????

    kayak/wilderness camping issues???? thanks ken
  12. V

    Scenic Status for Pinelands trail
  13. V

    favorite spot to stargaze in the pines

    Go to post 31 Go to post 31. I have the link. Its a program you download. Its simple but great
  14. V

    favorite spot to stargaze in the pines

    What about the few open spots on 563? I have the google earth light pollution overlay and the bog is right in the middle of the least amount of light pollution.
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    favorite spot to stargaze in the pines

    What about here to stargaze? What about here to stargaze?
  16. V

    Lets keep the public directions only for major places please.

    Lets keep the public directions only for "major" places please.
  17. V

    Looking for Noise Canceling Headphones

    Looking for Noise Canceling Headphones - I live on a somewhat busy road. I don't need them for music. Any suggestions.
  18. V

    favorite spot to stargaze in the pines

    Do any of you find there are way more stars out in the winter/spring Do any of you find there are way more stars out on a clear night in the winter/spring then in summer in PB
  19. V

    favorite spot to stargaze in the pines

    Here is a light pollution overlay for Google Earth(free)
  20. V

    favorite spot to stargaze in the pines

    leaning against the cranberry warehouse ruins near Hampton Furnace. Tonight the milky leaning against the cranberry warehouse ruins near Hampton Furnace. Tonight the milky way seemed a glittering veil, close enough to touch. you didn't see the milky way out there did you