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  1. Bobbleton

    More 2011 wildlife

    I decided to post the 2nd installment of this thread in this subforum so that I could include more from around the state. 2011 has been a great year for wildlife for me . . . here are a handful of the 2011 pics I haven't posted. Northern pine Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) Adorable, but they rain...
  2. Bobbleton

    Windows XP Support

    I was always a big fan of XP. I was unfortunate enough to buy a laptop during the vista era . . . which ran like garbage until 7 came out and I ousted vista. Windows 7 actually seems quality - my laptop is actually faster than it was with vista - I don't think i've had any actual OS problems...
  3. Bobbleton

    N.J. residents reporting invaders

    Where does it say the invasives were caused by people who came from other countries?? This article is actually about educating ignorant locals. Go figure.
  4. Bobbleton

    Study: Triple threat paints grim future for frogs

    while our local amphibian populations seem to be holding (which points out a contradiction in the article, as the east has a far greater amount of amphibian diversity) - it doesn't take very long for a crash . . . and we have already received exposure to a number of pathogens that have created...
  5. Bobbleton

    Davenport Road

    Oh I did forget to mention that my previous statement (somewhat) depends on whether or not they yanked the stumps or just cut trees at the base. If the stumps were pulled, the habitat will maintain its intended form for a more long term, and satisfy lots of additional short-term microhabitat...
  6. Bobbleton

    Davenport Road

    Like the plot that I always say "reminds me of FL", only not as matured. Problem is, cuts like this generally aren't maintained with small fires in years following the cut, so instead of old widely-spaced pitch pines, it turns into a dense "short-forest". Sadly fire is actually needed for a...
  7. Bobbleton

    Davenport Road

    Thanks for trying?? To give a rational explanation? Whether or not you're willing to accept that doing so is a habitat improvement (or whether or not that was even the intention) doesn't change it being exactly that. And yeah - calling to complain means you're up in arms. Otherwise you would...
  8. Bobbleton

    Davenport Road

    Care to indulge me as to what your interpretation of correct forest management would have been in this case? Is it based on something or do you just not like the way it looks? Not trying to be sassy or anything - I'm actually just curious why you're up in arms about it.
  9. Bobbleton

    Davenport Road

    Only a couple hundred times. You're exaggerating. Also spoke to one of the stewards about it beforehand (simply by chance), as well as working on a job site where it was done in 2009/2010. The cutting by the zoo is probably the same property. I don't see why you'd send in a complaint call about...
  10. Bobbleton

    Davenport Road

    They're not clearcutting - its selective thinning. Similar tactics have been employed in different areas of the pines as well. Not sure of every motivation behind this technique, but I do know part of it is to simultaneously manage for/against fire. By cutting in this way they can prevent...
  11. Bobbleton


    I hear they ain't critically endangered no more. That means we git to shoot 'em now, right!?
  12. Bobbleton

    Bunch of new outdoor products from Garmin

    I can't help but be annoyed in feeling like electronics are given to us one (increasingly expensive) crumb at a time. There's no real reason an etrex model couldn't support raster (the new one's don't, right?) and ALL models couldn't support greater accuracy (and like a zillion other functions)...
  13. Bobbleton


    They're pretty much bad everywhere from what I can tell. The good news is that all the mosquito bites are distracting me from my chigger bites.
  14. Bobbleton

    Some 2011 finds

    Thanks Guy -I think there are more sites out there than any one person knows. As for this one, its doing well. The plant in question is not the largest of several large healthy plants in a small area. Of course its filthy with the usual natives as well. They were flowering at the time . . ...
  15. Bobbleton

    Some 2011 finds

    I haven't posted in a while, but I've certainly been around. 2011 has been a good year to me so far . . . here are a few things: Fence Lizard you don't see this all too often . . . Carpenter frog The ever-famous rough green snake Adorable baby bunny Pine Snake eating (a different)...
  16. Bobbleton

    Eastern tiger salamander

    Your info might be a little out of date. Remind me to tell you about it.
  17. Bobbleton

    SEO's of Brigantine

    Awesome SEO pictures! I hope my shots of them next year will be closer to yours. The fox is cool, too . . . but if you had a horned owl taking out a fox . . .
  18. Bobbleton

    Some winter birds

    Hey thanks everyone. Yeah the blackbirds are apparently "around" during the winter, but they all became super-obvious again recently.
  19. Bobbleton

    Some winter birds

    Not one to be kept indoors . . . birds are the obvious choice in winter to help keep the madness at bay. Here's some of what I've seen: Obligate harlequin shot Ipswich savannah sparrow Brant Long-eared Sanderling GBH Pintail Dunlin Turnstone...
  20. Bobbleton

    December at the Parker Preserve

    whoa, crazy stuff . . . I have a lot to learn . . .