Search results

  1. PinesExplr

    I had heard the DEP did this in the early 80's but I was skeptical. August 4th 1981

    Bears I've heard a few siting stories over the last 4-5 years, didn't know what to make of those. Despite covering many, many of miles in the Pines and spending lots of time in remote spots - I've never seen any evidence of bears. I did see a photo of a bear taken near the River Road Clam...
  2. PinesExplr

    Feral Dogs

    dogs I heard them a few weeks ago too, I'm about 3 miles north of Tremont Ave. Been here and riding/biking in Wharton about 6 years now. I've only encountered one wild dog while riding near Washington (the ruins) and one coyote riding MTN bike at Jobstown bogs (off Jackson Rd.). It...
  3. PinesExplr

    Deer fight?

    I have an old leaf river cam, works in the dark for stills - but never could get the video to work. I'll see if I can get it to work......we'll see.
  4. PinesExplr

    Deer fight?

    again same thing again last night around 4:00am -- same exact spot. On and off for about 20 minutes & there appeared to be another adult mulling around the action. I half expected to see a injured deer laying there at sunrise -- pretty violent stuff.
  5. PinesExplr

    Deer fight?

    Trying to determine what the deer behavior was that awoke me at 2am this morning. I heard a loud cracking & hoofing sound from my 2nd floor bedroom window - beautiful night with plenty of moonlight and dead quiet until the ruckus. There in my front yard were two big bucks doing the wild...
  6. PinesExplr

    Maneating 'Yotes.....

    Coyote away Howabout pepper spray? (Why carry more than one thing?). I came upon a single coyote a few months back, sure I'll see one again solo biking.
  7. PinesExplr

    MTN Biking in Wharton

    great resource Thanks, Good idea and resource. Perhaps I'll post whatever additional loops I can come up with on, that seems to be the spot. Maybe I'll ride down to Batsto today on the big bike to pick up their maps too. ed
  8. PinesExplr

    MTN Biking in Wharton

    Does anybody have recommendations for long stretches of firm (less sandy) trails suitable for novice mountain biking in Wharton? I'm looking to come up with a couple of 15-20 miles loops, maybe around one on the west side of Rt 206 and one on the east. I've managed to find some trials near...
  9. PinesExplr

    Beer (again)

    humm Looks good, has anyone tried Victory Hop Wallop? I'm partial to Brutal Bitter.
  10. PinesExplr


    maybe I suspect the one I spied was bigger than the typical descriptions I read about, but I could not be sure. It seemed bigger than a large German Shepard and most descriptions I've read about say "about the size or smaller than the average dog". I'll concede my view was from at least 40...
  11. PinesExplr


    Coyote Sighted This Morning After covering many (thousands) miles of biking, hiking and dual-sporting for the past 6-7 years (nearly every weekend/year-round) in the Pines, I finally spotted a coyote this morning. And of course, the only camera I had was the less than able iPhone camera -...
  12. PinesExplr

    Just an observation (Rt. 539)

    signs I'm reminded of the Tesla song... you must do a lot of chuckling :rofl: I think signs that warn of consequence do something, little, but something -- every get a ticket in a construction zone? I think there are certain dumping area attributes such as access, lighting, proximity to...
  13. PinesExplr

    Just an observation (Rt. 539)

    agree with bobpbx. I noticed new anti-dumping signs at the start of the two roads off medford-jackson rd (across from the wildlife refuge). I wonder if they would be more effective if they warned of cameras (whether there were any or not). There is fresh dumping there - looks like building...
  14. PinesExplr

    Just an observation (Rt. 539)

    dumping I've been thinking lately that technology, in the form of strategically placed, inexpensive cameras, could easily put a dent in dumping. Whats good for EZ Pass and towns giving automatic tickets could serve the Pines. I would contribute to a project to ID the best locations and...
  15. PinesExplr

    Searching For The J Roger Brick Stone

    tracks There are ATV tracks across a lot of the open grassy spaces in the entire area from Atsion Road thru (across) to Medford-Jackson Rd, up to the smaller distribution lines (and in the woods above those lines). When the bogs dry out (maybe not this year), those too are heavily tracked...
  16. PinesExplr

    Wharton Boundary

    ah, new info to me The "island" on Hopewell you note is on the opposite side of the sign I noticed - so that is Marlton, I believe. The sign (actually there are about 4-5 five of them, one color SF sign, the rest the B&W "rules" signs I see a lot) were 1/2 between LMCC & the island, on the...
  17. PinesExplr

    Wharton Boundary

    Does anyone know the latest boundary of Wharton (State Forest) in the area between Jackson/Medford Rd and Hopewell Rd? I thought I noticed a new sign off Hopewell Rd just south of Stone Mtn (Little Mill CC) that looked like a State Forest Boundary sign. If thats Wharton, does it link to the...
  18. PinesExplr

    Canoeing tomorrow

    Does anyone know if the water level on the Batsto will be good for a first time trip down from QB to Batsto? Wanted to do Mullica from Old Camp to 542, but likely too long for the first-timer crew. Early morning weather looks good enough. Should I expect a holiday crowd? ed
  19. PinesExplr

    Debris buildup extended life of Wharton blaze

    Seen them I've been riding & hiking in Wharton a couple times a month, year-round for the last 4 years. I've seen what appeared to be controlled burns several times - near Batsto, near Mt. jemima, near Atco Drag strip and recently in the area of Goshen Bridge Rd - not far from the recent fire...