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  1. B


    This may sound like a dumb question, but do chiggers have a certain area/vegetation/etc...that they prefer? To my knowledge I've never gotten them, and the way you guys talk about them I'm sure I'd know if I did. Just the other day I walked through a lot of knee high grass/weeds to get to a...
  2. B

    extended heat wave harmful to critters?

    I think I might call my local news station to see if they want to do a story on me. I spent all morning outside and I'm still alive!!! I'm seriously sick of this "don't go outside or else you'll die a painful horrible death" crap. We all know by now that drinking water and Gatorade is a good...
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    huge snake

    It's this.
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    black ratsnake

    The one that I rescued a week or so ago has now taken up residence in a big rotted stump in my yard. I have seen him out sunning twice now in the past couple of days. Various critters such as field mice like to live under a shed we have close to the edge of the woods so I'm sure there's plenty...
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    State Shutdown

    I think Jeff makes a good point but lets just say that Corzine had asked the public and the legislature for support for a 16.7% increase in the sales tax. People would have mobbed the streets and threatened their legislators with public hanging. Also, the state would probably STILL be shut...
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    State Shutdown

    I'm confused. Math was never my strong suit, but if the sales tax is six percent or six cents on the dollar, then increasing it to seven cents on the dollar, or seven percent would be a one percent increase right? I mean regardless lets say you buy something that is $100, in NJ you'll have to...
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    More backyard reptiles-not the pine barrens

    I wish I could have gotten a picture of him stretched out. I would say he was 4 feet if not a bit over.
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    More backyard reptiles-not the pine barrens

    I was walking through the yard and noticed a snake's tail sticking out from under the the deck. When I pulled some stuff away I saw this: We had put some netting under the deck to keep the leaves and small vermin out, but this guy got tangled in it somehow. When I got him cut away from...
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    Fireworks, or How I Learned I Am Now a Curmudgeon

    This really sort of puzzles me. Since I live near Bordentown, 10 minutes from the Delaware, all I ever hear about is how this year the police are really cracking down and if you're caught coming over the bridge from P.A. with fireworks you'll be drawn and quartered. Yet once the fireworks get...
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    Catching a B.Ser red handed...

    Ya know those people that seem to crop up everywhere (work, school, the local bar, etc...) that just feel the need to tell extremely tall tales that have to "top it all?" The kind of people that everyone just sort of ignores because they don't want to be rude or argue? Today I just couldn't...
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    Ima da furst wun ta gradumacate frum cowledge!!!

    Ha! Drew...I wish I were that rich. I majored in secondary social studies education with a minor in political science at Caldwell (small Catholic college in Essex County) College. The job market is a bit tight for humanities teachers at the secondary level right now, so I'm actually trying to...
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    You get three guesses!

    I hope they deburred those edges after they cut the hole out!
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    Ima da furst wun ta gradumacate frum cowledge!!!

    Hey everyone, I finally did it! Pretty soon I'll be moving back down to Mercer County because I'm all done up here. I'm the first in my family with my brother following close behind. Can't wait to do some exploring this summer...
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    LOL...yeah just in the backyard. We don't go around buring caterpillar nests in Wharton for fun!
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    As long as it hasn't been particularly dry out for a while you can burn them which takes care of the tent and the little nasties inside. My Grandfather would use a long pole with a rag soaked in kerosene on the end. Works like a charm.
  16. B

    Hello to all

    What is the Elephant Commentator and why is it scary? I tried Wikipedia and Google, no dice.
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    Most Remote Area in the Pines

    Are you talking about the Northern Great Swamp? Beautiful area, my girlfriend lives in Chatham and lives right on the edge. We walk the utility company right of way which is in this area here. It seems truly desolate in some places if you bushwhack far enough-until a 747 bound for Newark...
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    Bear shot in Essex County today :( Poor guy wandered into the Irvington/South Orange area. Honestly I'm suprised he was shot by the police and not gang members...Now I'm a hunter and I believe in wildlife management via...
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    Body found along route 72, woodland twp

    Figures, I was planning on taking the gf to Lake Success in Colliers Mills for some fishing and sightseeing on her day off this week. Hopefully she misses this news story
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    Murphy Farm, Hammonton, NJ

    Whoops, thought it was Hammonton-it is close by though right?