Search results

  1. woodjin

    Missing Scout leader

    After the PBX after hike party on Saturday I was driving home via sandy ridge road. About a mile north of Hawkin's bridge (a little before 10pm) I came upon about 10 jeeps going the oppisite way. they kindly pulled over to let me pass. As I passed the first he called out to me. I stopped...
  2. woodjin

    Leeds Devil Blues

    As many of you know, my album "LEEDS DEVIL BLUES" has been around for awhile now and many of you have purchased it. Thanks a whole bunch to all of you, and to those who haven't purchased it yet...for God's sake what's wrong with you?:D Anyway, the first printing ran out about a year ago. The...
  3. woodjin

    Something going on in Tabernacle

    There were at least 10 state troopr cruisers along 532 today between nixon's general store and Patty bowker road. they were there for many hours (three or four maybe more). The cruisers were parked at two different houses caddy corner to each other, but they were out on foot searching the...
  4. woodjin

    can't upload pics to gallery

    I can't seem to figure out how to upload pics to my gallery. I tried logining in again in the gallery section but it doesn't recognize my password/username.
  5. woodjin

    Exploring the lower Sleeper

    Sunday I got into the woods to do some exploring around the lower sleeper, upstream from it's confluence with the Mullica. Most of this area is hidden from aerial photography due to a heavy cedar canopy. About 500ft from the nearest road I found this long abandoned hunting "shack"...
  6. woodjin

    Blueberry Island

    I was too busy yesterday to go on the PBX Hike but I was able to get into the woods for a few hours. I wanted to investigate a few areas I noticed on historic aerials. Here is a circular clearing that appears on carranza road near sandy ridge in 1931...
  7. woodjin

    Misadventure on a beautiful day

    Yesterday (friday) was beautiful so I took my 4 year old out fishing along the mullica. Unfortunetely we came across a guy who totally buried his pick up in a mud hole on that road that goes out to wescoat bogs from 206. His friend was there with an expedition, but couldn't get him out with...
  8. woodjin


    :siren: I was out on a snow covered frozen bog the other day and noticed "holes" in the vicinity of a beaver lodge. by holes I mean there were approx. 2 foot square knock outs in the ice which had frozen over again to a very thin layer of ice. After noticing that, I noticed more which were...
  9. woodjin

    Moore property

    I was in the woods yesterday and ran into some friendly hunters. In our conversation, it was mentioned that Sam Moore (Moores Meadows) recently purchased more land and had set up poles to block entry to areas of the woods previously accessable. This would have been along the western edge of...
  10. woodjin

  11. woodjin

    I had heard the DEP did this in the early 80's but I was skeptical. August 4th 1981 If this was implemented. Why did the black bear population not florish. Perhaps it was never implemented. Jeff
  12. woodjin

    Oh No, there is a spider in my pants!!

    Got out in the woods for a bit today. Here is an old bog I fish. this time I visited it from the oppisite end of my usual approach. It is tucked away pretty good and most people pass it by without ever knowning it is there. No deep holes on this side and I walked to the middle of bog...
  13. woodjin

    The Ore Pond: A PBX Exploration

    Back on Labor Day of '08 I visited an Ore Pond deep in Wharton State forest. While there I discovered slag in, near by, Deep Run and an old cord road. Believeing the cord road lead to the nearby Batsto river where the bog iron was loaded on barges to be shipped down to Batsto furnance, I tried...
  14. woodjin

    fighting off a shark

    Not PB related but how much do you want to bet this suba diver needed to change of pants after this.
  15. woodjin

    Exploring a Tributary

    I went exploring an un-named tributary of the Tulpehocken creek today. Must have hit over 5 beaver dams in a fairly short run. despite all the dams the water was fairly shallow through out. As I worked my way toward the tulpehocken the tributary became more narrow...
  16. woodjin

    Fishing the center cut

    I never know whether to post this stuff under trip report, nature and the environment or here. I went fishing this morning. My first stop was a bog I had never hit before. Well, clearly I was going to have a hard time catching a fish without water. A bog that flucuates this...
  17. woodjin

    raccoon and mouse on game camera

    I posted this under the photographers forum but thought this would be a better place for it.
  18. woodjin

    Game camera results

    Set the game camera out. About 50 exposures, here are some of the highlights. Also, when I picked up my camera I was distrubed to find it was infested with ants. I sprayed some deet in the battery compartment but I am concerned that some might still possibly be living up in the electronics...
  19. woodjin

    The mystery Bog and a Nantucket sleigh ride

    For years I have fished this one bog with no luck and I could not figure out why. It seemed as though all the conditions for a healthy pickerel population were there but it never really produced. I would often fish it briefly on my return trips from more productive spots. I had many theories...
  20. woodjin

    fishing on labor day

    I actually had to work today but before I did I got out and did some fishing. Wasn't having much luck till I switched to the right lure. Then they were hitting real strong. I only took one action photo since the floating sedge everywhere was making it difficult to get a good pose from the...