Search results

  1. woodjin

    Black rat snake hibernacula

    I was hiking with my son and stumbled upon a black rat snake hibernacula and/or summer den site. We surprised the first two and they surprised us. They both did the "tail in leaves rattle" which made me immeditely lift my son and retreat a couple yards. then I was able to quickly identify...
  2. woodjin

    Hey! Look what I found

    I was in deep today. I was in a gum swamp that no one had any business going in. No hunters because of no deer, no signs of anybody. Just gum and maple trees. There is a cedar swamp close by and I was used to seeing a gread deal of cord roads in there, but I was surprised when I came acrossed a...
  3. woodjin


    Well, it is that time again...where I use Ben's site for shameless marketing. Yes it is true, I have realesed a new album. Like it's monumentally successful predecessor Leeds Devil Blues, it is a pine barrens themed album. Different than Leeds Devil Blues, it is entirely solo guitar...
  4. woodjin


    On March 30th, the day before it closed to the public (till after labor day), my son and I vistited Holgate on the southern tip of LBI. I have been meaning to visit it for a long time now. Despite a 60 degree forcast it was incredibly cold due to a strong westard wind. I had brought my sons...
  5. woodjin

    Batsto Flood Plain

    This is a quiet spot on the upper Batsto where kaykers and canoeists never go. Jeff
  6. woodjin

    old ruins found

    Went exploring this morning with my son. We were looking for an old house that was built in the 30's/40's and dissappeared in the 60's. Found it on historic aerials. Well, to my surprise we did find some things but not what we set out for. We came across this first...
  7. woodjin

    on ebay No one should be without a pair of these...
  8. woodjin

    Trains found underwater off of NJ coast
  9. woodjin


  10. woodjin

    Purgatory House trouble

    Well, it seems that there are still some that haven't figured out that the Purgatory House is patrolled. I drove past on route 70 today and saw a white car and two state cruisers with lights flashing. Somebody's parents are going to be mad.
  11. woodjin

    Fishing in the Parker Preserve

    I've fished this old res. in the Parker Preserve from shore before with success. I wanted to try it with my kayak, though, to get into the old cedar stumps. It required a little dragging, but i was able to get into the res. by means of an old canal. Didn't have much luck, I'll have to try...
  12. woodjin

    ringed necked pheasant

    Saw a beautiful ring necked pheasant yesterday in the woods. Today i saw what might have been a dead black coyote on route 70. It was a bit too gory to slow down for a closer look with my wife and son in the car.
  13. woodjin

    1974 documentary

    I'm pretty sure I posted this, or someone like me, posted this sometime back. But I thought I would link it again since it is such a great documentary. A lot of the ruins in the footage are gone now. The music is a bit annoying and the narration is a bit alkward but it doesn't matter...
  14. woodjin


  15. woodjin

    Hey Scott

    Hey Scott, You may want to consider using this guy for your next mount.
  16. woodjin

    man foundMan
  17. woodjin

    Dang It!!

    I went to an ice cream stand with my son and left my wallet on a bench. 2nd time I ever lost/left my wallet somewhere in my entire life. Anyway, the ice cream place calls me, I go to pick it up and the $90.00 I had in there is gone.:mad: I guess I should be happy someone didn't just take it...
  18. woodjin

    Columbia Road

    Columbia road, that starts in Nesco, is probably a pretty familar route for many of us as it winds through the edge Hammonton WMA toward route 30. However, once you cross route 30 columbia road continues, in dirt, all the way to the A/C Expressway along the eastern edge of Makepeace lake WMA...
  19. woodjin

    Headline on Comcast Jersey Devil
  20. woodjin

    Great white off of Island beach SP

    200 ft. from the shore. That's pretty close.