Search results

  1. woodjin

    opinions on Jersey Devil Hike/Hunt

    Wharton SF is hosting a Jersey Devil hike. I have a seven year old I was thinking of taking on it, but I am not sure if he is too young. I don't want to tramatize him. One Wharton employee said that age 7 was boarderline. Does anybody have any experience with a Wharton sponsered Jersey...
  2. woodjin

    Deep in Wharton

    Few human eyes have witnessed this first hand. I can't say the same for amphibious eyes however. Pics were taken with iphone. bog aster (i believe) and cranberry appropriately located on a a bog this was, at times, a dangerous area with "quaking bogs"...
  3. woodjin

    Another Ride

    I bought this jeep cherokee from my drummer. I still have my legendary bronco. The bronco is a battle proven veteran of the pines. It also has more lift and larger, more aggressive tires than the Jeep could ever have without an aftermarket lift. My plan is to replace the bronco with the...
  4. woodjin

    Northern brown snake?

    Found this little guy late last night as I was heading out for a bike ride. He was in front of my garage. For perspective, the circular thing in the bottom of the bucket is about the size of a nickle. I believe it is a northern brown snake, but perhaps some of the herp experts on the forum...
  5. woodjin

    "STOP IT"

    Sometimes I fantasize that people this stupid don't really exist, but then there's always a video to bring me back to reality.
  6. woodjin

    Big coyote

    I was driving on pasadena road today. I was west bound between the sand pit and route 72 when I thought a doe was crossing the road in front of me. It was an absolutely huge coyote. Biggest one I've seen yet. It was easily as large as a LARGE german sheppard except taller and less mass. It...
  7. woodjin

    Just say No!!!

    to deer lawn ornaments. I spend a great deal of time driving though suburban medford/mt laurel etc for work. In the dying light these ornaments have me braking every mile or so. If we didn't have so many suburban deer hanging about it wouldn't be such a big deal....but we do. So, I figured...
  8. woodjin


    I did some fishing on the Mullica this past saturday. I got skunked. Not even a bite. Too much water I suppose. Anyway, it was still a great day in the woods. Coming around the bend a bunch of large red bellies were sunning themselves. A typical sight, and typically, they...
  9. woodjin

    pickerel fishing

    did some pike fishing yesterday morning. mostly small ones, a couple medium sized ones. high water levels and lots of sediment made it a little tough but the little guys were biting like crazy. hope you enjoyed the action photos. Jeff
  10. woodjin

    pickerel fishing in south jersey

    I have been meaning to post this article for sometime. It is an extremely interesting read even if you aren't into pickerel fishing. It is from 1892. I thought it might make for a good front page article but i don't know if permission is needed in that instance. this is a link to a pdf...
  11. woodjin

    Friendship creek headwaters

    I recently led a PBX hike in the retreat preserve in southampton. A portion of that hike was along friendship creek north of route 70. Bobpbx and I were discussing the headwaters of friendship creek primarily burrs mill brook. However, I seemed to recall that friendship creek had it's head...
  12. woodjin

    Deep Inside Wharton's Interior

    Huge red maple blow down The hiking stick in the photo is between 5.5 and 6 feet tall Pristine Islands/sand bars Open woods A short video of some not so open woods Jeff
  13. woodjin

    Looting in LBI

    I have it on first hand authority from law enforcement that there is looting in both LBI and Seaside. How they are getting there I don't know, maybe by boat. what a shame. There is a large police and military presence there now using helicopters and ground patrols to get it under control. Jeff
  14. woodjin

    Sandy aftermath

    How is everyone? I'm okay. Jeff
  15. woodjin

    What was here?

    About a month ago I was out on my motorcycle when I came across an area along route 72 with signs of old disturbance/habitation. I remebered being there before in the Pre-historic aerials years and wondering what might have been there. Well this time I went back to historic aerials and found...
  16. woodjin

    Name that Ruin

    Okay, are you ready to play? You don't have to name what the ruin was (but if you could that would be great because I don't know) just where it is located. I came across this recently and I have never heard of it discussed on the forum. Hint: it is in Lacey twp. If no one gets it in a few days...
  17. woodjin

    Pirate Ship

    An old boat sticking out of the marshes of the Great Bay. My five year old informed me that there is a pirate ghost guarding his treasure beneath it. Jeff
  18. woodjin

    Exploring the Shoal

    I promised in my last report that I would return to the shoal and yesterday morning at the break of dawn I did. My intent was to fish, of course, and to follow the stream up. the fishing was great. I caught between 20 and 30 fish. they ranged from 12" to 20" with the vast majority at about...
  19. woodjin

    The Shoal at dusk

    Fishing the Shoal at dusk. Coyotes howling in the distance. Fish Upstream Jeff
  20. woodjin

    Coyotes today

    I was riding the motorcyle today on a very cool single track (enduro) trail in what appeared to be a former C.C.C. camp nursery. I was in pretty deep. well, I came around a turn and, low and behold, there was a young coyote. He ran about 25 yards and then turned and studyed me. I did the same...