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  1. gagliarchives

    Atsion Mansion

    Now that sounds cool...
  2. gagliarchives

    Batsto Africa, a PBX Hike

    Looked like a good trip. Nice shots.
  3. gagliarchives

    Atsion: Old and Renewed

    Great stuff. I was out last Monday and saw some renovations being done on the mansion. Sigh.
  4. gagliarchives

    Ongs Hat Vortex

    Well, I know Joe pretty well as he was a guest and we talk frequently. There are several truths, and several myths. He has never come out and said it never happened. Something did happen, and based on what was gathered, you have to make your own assumption. But nonethless, there were some weird...
  5. gagliarchives

    Happy Holidays

    Just wanted to say a happy holiday and new year to all. I know i haven't posted in a while, but I haven't had a Jeep to travel around and explore in. I just purchased another, so hopefully I will run into a few of you. Best to all and wishing you some light this season... Tom
  6. gagliarchives

    Flo's Tavern ???

    Thanks gang I am very familiar with the Fountain Hotel.
  7. gagliarchives

    Flo's Tavern ???

    There was a Tavern in the woods in what is now Robert's Mill/Stony Run off the now defunct Crooked Lane in Cherry Hill/Maple Shade. I am trying to find some material from a connection in the historical society, but they are a slow moving monster. But I was able to find how the actual route went...
  8. gagliarchives

    Chatsworth Named Top Town Chatsworth, the unofficial capital of the Pine Barrens, has been named one of the best small towns in the nation by Adventure, a magazine published by the National Geographic Society. The best route to...
  9. gagliarchives

    Investigators say forest fire was 'highly suspicious' Investigators say forest fire was 'highly suspicious' By DAVID LEVINSKY Burlington County Times SHAMONG — Fire investigators have classified a major forest fire in Wharton State Forest earlier this month as a suspicious...
  10. gagliarchives

    Google Earth is now also Google Sky

    It's pretty cool to see where are the landers are on Mars. Maybe they will do the same for Venus. Always wanted to see where the Venera landers were.
  11. gagliarchives

    Marlton Circle

    haha I live right at 38 & 73. Nice shot
  12. gagliarchives

    Old news but... SHAMONG — The long-awaited restoration of Atsion Mansion could begin this fall. Dana Loschiavo, spokeswoman for the New Jersey Department of Environmental protection, said yesterday the restoration project was put out to bid...
  13. gagliarchives

    Former "Jersey Guy" taking over Don Imus' slot

    He's still funny, but not like the early 90s
  14. gagliarchives

    Does the recreation here die down in the summer.

    It's my therapy year round. :)
  15. gagliarchives

    Fire in Wharton

    Everyone smells the smoke. From Bellmawr, to Ocean City, to Maple Shade, to Pemberton. Last night when I got done work at 3am, you could still see and smell the fog in the lights from the smoke. When I got to Maple Shade, you could still smell it. Amazing.
  16. gagliarchives

    Rt. 530

    The article is right on. I have been driving down this road to the radio station every saturday night since 1994, and it is a nightmare when it rains and especially when it snows. The road is outdated and needs to be upgraded. Especially in the Pemberton borough before the bypass. tg
  17. gagliarchives


    Could be worse. We could be in Belize:,2933,289733,00.html
  18. gagliarchives

    Carranza Road

    Yeah what was the deal with that.
  19. gagliarchives

    Warren Grove Safety Probe