So you were that kid with 12 color Crayola Crayon box!

No nerves struck at all. It just cracks me up that on a forum comprised of a high percentage of male posters you choose to comment on the "gayness" of a nuanced description of beer. This on a site where the guys all love birds, pretty flowers, and cute little frogs.

Can you understand why I might ask you for a "manly" description of something that tastes like chocolate....what other word works??? What makes chocolate a "gay" word?
I'll bite. Feelin' really bad I hijacked a perfectly good thread.
My crayola box was a myriad of color, yet just one. Too Zen for ya?
Seems to me I never singled out "chocolate" as a target, merely a plethora of ridiculous names for beer. Forget the topic, read the posts, single out the beer names. It's laughable, that simple. I like to laugh. One might say the same of the many hot sauces out there now. They all have raunchy XXX names but most lack flavor and add heat. Beer, it's light, it's dark, it's hoppy, whatever.
I know I myself prefer a beer I just about can't see through but I'll still drink bud from a can (damn.) and tonight had 2 Coronas which are way down on the list of anything beerworthy.
Birds, pretty flowers, froggies... it's all part of the scenery friend. Doesn't make a man, or a woman, or a site odd. (I'm gonna stop usin' "gay or queer", somewhere I struck a nerve there rest assured)
I'll say this. You've got a fine eye for birding and a great camera lens. You've taught me a thing or two about a thing or two and thanks for it. If you like your beer, queer, dark or otherwise, bravo. You've got my attention.
You've however already demonstrated early on in your presence here that you like debate, debate for no good reason and dissention without due provocation. Your signiatures speak volumes to that. Your many fascinating and generously shared interests aside, you've just jumped on another topic to find adversary. It's a sadness.
Don't trouble yourself to know the depths of me, you won't. I'm not gay, I love chocolate, I love beer, birds are cool, and Whip can make a frog look pretty palatable. It's all good.
By the way, It's still just beer.