Bob I think that's Hoegaarden.
Yeh, it looks cloudy to me too.
Bob I think that's Hoegaarden.
Bob said:But thanks, it broadened my brew knowledge
Now that's the attitude to have. You gonna try some Otter Creek Vermont Lager next?
Okay my friends, what is this I am drinking tonite:
Jerseyman, no, I don't belong to the club. That mug was a birthday gift 25 years ago. Somebody had the strange idea I liked the woods. Fancy that!
Here is tonites sample. I like it better than last nites.
Looks like a Yeungling
That's a healthy head on that beer, Bob. I love the picture in the background. Why don't you give us some verbal descriptions of the beer, such as mouthfeel, nose and taste?
Brooklyn Brown Ale. So do you approve?