I canot believe with all the technology we have today that if bigffot and the jersey devil were physical creatures that we have not caught one.They both must be slicker the Osama.I know we knoe where Osama is,even if we can't find him the mossad no doubt can and they would tell us.we don't get hime because we believe pakistan is our friend and we don't want to start a war with them,on the other hand bigffot and the jersey devil are right here.It is possible to hide in a big city if you look human.For those two thats impossible so they have to hide in the woods.If the government wants you and has any idea where your at they will find you in the woods.Our thermal and night vision technology is so well developed you would have to live full time in a cave not to be detected and now we have ground penetrating radar so you'd have to go really deep to beat that and you can't live in a cave indefinitely if your a physical creature the size of those two.not enough food.I come to the conclusion these creatures are either something other then purely physical beings who exist in dimensions other then our own are they are completely bogus.Same goes for ufo"s.They either have access to other dimensions to elude our airforce or they are bogus.Physicists can prove mathematically that their are other dimension (don't ask me how,my maths not that good) so both may be viable options.If bigfoot doesn't exist then forget him,if he slips in and out of dimension also forget him because you will never catch a creature like that you may as well be chasing a ghost.maybe thats exactly what bigfoot is, the remnants of something that once was and now dwell in the earth???do a web search on nephilim...smacks of bigfoot type possibilities to me.