Boyd's Map of the Pines beta available


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Glad you are liking them, but now we seem to have a problem. I am getting a message that google has disabled the use of their API. This happens when it is used too heavily. So I think everyone is enjoying the site a little too much. I am curious if Ben ever has this problem at NJPB.

This could be a problem as it could get expensive to purchase a license for heavy use if the site is popular. I have a damn flu and need to get to bed at the moment but I will look into this more tomorrow. I will also contact Ben and see if he has any insights because this is all new to me.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Well this is weird, it's working again. I checked my usage stats and they're well beneath the limits. Keep on using the site as much as you like and let's see what happens. I have posted a question to their help forum (Google seems to make it very hard to actually contact someone at the company). I had some services configured that I didn't need so I turned them off and maybe that fixed it?.... :confused:

I am uploading a lot of new map tiles overnight - the data packets are strapped to the backs of the carrier pigeons and they are flying up to the data center in Connecticut. This is about the same speed as my slow DSL connection here, which is all I can get. :D

Sometime tomorrow you will notice a lot of new map coverage come online (I hope).


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Thanks Al! It seems to be working fine again. Please let me know if you see this problem (an alert box saying "Google has disabled the use of the Maps API for this application"). I got a response from another person who saw the same problem on his own site about the same time. He thinks it's some kind of bug on Google's end.

Go ahead and use it all you want, it appears that the site would have to get wildly popular to exceed their usage limits.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Everything is working this morning. Here's an updated coverage map, the pink quads are now available for your browsing pleasure. :)



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Here's what Al has been waiting for:,39.318384,-75.072991,14 :)

If you zoom out one click and pan Southwest a bit, the interglacial shoreline is quite visible there as well. Here's our earlier discussion of this feature:

You are looking at old interglacial shorelines. During those brief (between Ice-Age) warm periods, sea level rose higher than today's level. About 110,000-years ago, the ocean rose perhaps three- or four-meters (10- to 13-feet) higher than present. Even without taking into account global warming's effects, we have not reached our "normal" interglacial high-stand.

Here is the current coverage. Areas to the North and East are a problem at the moment. Coverage was not available from them last year when I created my dataset. So I need to check one quad at a time on the USGS site and see if it's now there. But their site isn't working today, and there's a notice they will be down for maintenance tomorrow.

In the meantime I will continue West to the Delaware in those quads for which I have complete data. :)


(updated Sat afternoon)
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Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Thanks Boyd! The larger cellar holes in Baileytown are visible.It seems to go by how large the cellar holes are in area and not so much in depth.I know of some small cellar holes area wise that are quite deep and these do not show but some wide shallow holes do show but but moreso well defined holes with walls with some size and depth show well..Yes the glacial edge is quite obvious,bit cooler back then I suppose.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
New data just went online. The coast is now covered starting from Seabreeze in the West, all the way around the Cape to Sea Isle City in the East. As mentioned earlier, this is almost everything for which I have complete LIDAR data. I will need to go to the USGS quad by quad and see if there are any updates before processing the rest and they are down for maintenance today. So the next updates will probably be less frequent.


Al, I mentioned the resolution of the LIDAR data before in relation to Guy's comment about sawmills. It is approximately 10 feet per pixel. When you zoom all the way in on my map, it is showing about 8 feet per pixel but this is just "re-sampling" and does not add any detail that isn't in the original data.

So basically, if a hole is 10ft x 10ft, it should theoretically show as a dot on the image. You would need to do some real-world tests to see how theory translates to fact. If you actually measure some holes I would be interested to know at what point they show on the map.



Apr 4, 2011
Boyd, I don't see how you will be able to top this project. It may be your best work yet. If possible, may I make a request? My reason for asking is entirely selfish, but could you add just one more northern grid. There is one more section needed at the extremity and that would be the New Egypt grid 195, here,40.043541,-74.406012,13. I feel it would make your work of art complete.;)
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Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Thanks Gibby, I appreciate the kind words and encouragement. As to whether I can top this project... that remains to be seen. :D

If you have followed my rambling comments here, you'll see that I am planning to add New Egypt and other Northern quads, but unfortunately it will have to wait. The graphic below shows the completed quads in yellow and the pink area was the available LIDAR as of last year; I already have this data. But I don't want to go to all the trouble of building a quad with incomplete data if full data is now available. So as I said, I need to go quad by quad and check with USGS which I can't do today since their servers are down.


It's not quite as easy as just adding "one more quad" I'm afraid. First I rebuild the entire tileset which takes a couple hours after I finish making the map. Then I upload the entire map again which takes 6 or 7 hours - one reason for doing it this way is to maintain two separate copies on the site so I can instantly put the new data online with no downtime. Since this is all such a big deal, I try do include a lot in each update as long as I'm at it.

There may be some easier ways to do this, but they are complicated and I don't want to take the time to test them at this point.

This has been a good way to pass time time for the past week since I have the damn flu and haven't wanted to go out. On the mend now, so I am going to need to catch up on a few other things. But it *is* coming - I just can't promise when. Will try to get another update in this week because the following week my time will be more limited.


Apr 4, 2011
Boyd, your efforts are greatly appreciated, forgive me for being pushy, but Al got his way!:D All kidding aside, I understand that what you are building consumes many hours and involves many different steps to produce an interactive map. I am just very curious to what forgotton agriculture is still visible around Colliers Mills.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
If I could do it Gibby, it would go online today. :) Unfortunately the USGS server maintenance schedule makes this impossible. In fact, I had planned to include those quads in last night's update but I couldn't download anything from USGS. So instead, I just built all the remaining quads that I could from data I already had.


Apr 4, 2011
Thanks Boyd! I will be studying the new additions looking for those subtle clues that may reveal what has remained hidden for all of these years. I already noticed a canal between several abandoned bogs. Thanks again for all your hard work, it is awesome.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
No, I'm afraid not. Ben has also asked about this. The roads, etc are what we call "vector data". The LIDAR is "raster data". In creating the tiles for Google Maps, I rendered the vector and raster data together. The result is a bunch of jpeg images that include everything you see. The roads aren't like a "layer" or anything.

It is certainly possible to make another tileset with LIDAR only, but that's a bit of a project. Will think of it for the future, but at the moment I've got several non-pines-related distractions on my mind. :p