It was a beautiful day in the woods with some good people and we got to attach some faces to a few of the NJPB website personalities.
I concluded, after picking up several hundred beer cans and seeing several hundred more picked up by others, that ALL irresponsible, slothful litterers drink really bad beer. I saw only Coors Light, Miller Lite and Bud Light cans and bottles in 3 hours of picking.
I think maybe they are so angry about the taste of the pissy brew that they hurl them out the window in disgust.
Well, not to worry about our fine tuned crew.
Afterwards, we enjoyed many fine and tasty brews with Piney Mike and his best half Betsy. Mike also shared some of his homemade wine which was also most excellent.
Here are a few pics:
Bob claiming Forked River Mountain for all to enjoy in perpetuity.
Relaxing Bob in a rocker that he will soon be needing when he moves into an assisted living facilty.
Finally, the good times and wreckage at the outdoor bar.
Thanks to all for supporting my pines/ drinking addictions !