

Oct 11, 2009
south toms river nj usa
Not much of an event in South Toms River. Some rain and wind. I've seen more wind when some cold fronts blow through and the rain didn't seem to equal the amount from recent thunderstorms in the area.


Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
I'm in the Atlantis section of Little Egg Harbor, less than a quater mile from the salt meadow, and didn't get flooding or any wind strong enough to do anything other than bring down small branches in my yard. A few trees down on other properties but nothing like I was expecting.


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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Christie was just speaking. He said damage would be in the billions if not tens of billions of dollars. He mentioned concerns about several dams that could fail including one in Cherry Hill and said that it had led to some evacuations. 650,000 people are without power and they expect the number to climb since the wind is still blowing.

Has been raining again down here for awhile, wind is blowing but not as bad as yesterday.


Jul 14, 2007
650,000 people are without power and they expect the number to climb since the wind is still blowing.

A friend of mine in Avalon with the fire department made it through with no water in their house or garage and no damage, but their power JUST went out.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
What's going on over there? I can't find anything in the new about it.

All I could find was this

But while they were happy to be safe, at least some guests fumed over conditions they said could do more to make things worse than help.

Ecstacy Blackwell, of Atlantic City, was especially upset about not being able to use the lavatories or showers, as were others.
Apparently after some problems early on, guests were shut out of them. They were relegated to going out to the outhouses placed just outside the doors to rinse themselves with damp cloths, Blackwell said.

They were also told they could use available hand sanitizer to wash themselves as well as they could, she said. She added organizers told them they’d bring “portoshowers” - a suggestion that also didn’t sit well with Blackwell and other guests who’d rather not try to take a shower during the nasty weather.

“We understand we’re in a crisis situation, but do they have to make things worse?” Blackwell posed.
A dinner buffet set up Friday evening also wasn’t well organized, she and another woman said. There was a kind of free-for-all rush to the food, they explained, and many were left with no choice except maybe pork and beans and rice.

Several guests complained the air conditioning had been turned off. The gym was stuffy close to noon Saturday, and the number of bodies in close quarters didn’t help.

That, in turn, didn’t help asthmatic guests, said Blackwell. She added she’s glad she brought her own blanket, because the those given out are wool, to which she’s allergic.


Staff member
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Which is worse... being hit by a hurricane or having Atlantic City evacuees bussed into your community? :confused:

I have been listening to NJ101.5 this morning and the station manager just blasted Christie, which surprised me a bit since they are usually very supportive. They said that they waited up all night along with other members of NJ media outlets to talk to him. But instead, Christie did an interview with Matt Lauer and made statements for national news outlets while the local media were not even admitted. Instead, they were sent to a room to watch it on TV, and the TV feed went down so they couldn't even see.

His point was that the national media don't ask the kind of questions that local people want answered, and also that many people with no power have no access to cable TV or the internet and rely on the radio for news. Evidently he is scheduled to be on NJ 101.5 at 2:15PM however, and "ask the governor" tomorrow night. I guess they are just a bit cranky after staying on the air all last night - and I have to say their coverage was excellent.

This is all a bit disappointing though, with "I'm not a candidate" Christie grandstanding for the national media. I have been really impressed with the guy, and hope this isn't a new trend for him. You can't turn on Fox news these days without somebody talking about the possibility of him running for president it seems.


Staff member
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Just went for a short walk around my land. Sun is shining but the wind is still very strong so I didn't want to spend a lot of time in the woods. Only saw one big oak tree that fell, snapped off about 20 feet up in a spot that was obviously rotten. Should provide at least 1/4 cord of firewood. :) Some smaller branches on the ground and one little tree fell. All in all, very little wind damage.

Stephen Creek has risen two feet, maybe more. It's similar to what I saw two years ago when we had widespread flooding around here - maybe a little less this time. What's different is that there's a bit more upland flooding now, which I assume is because we got all the rain in one big shot instead of several smaller storms. Makes me think that water levels in the creek may not peak until all the uplands drain.

Overall I am once again impressed by how well nature can handle these events while the works of man can't. As soon as you start clearing trees, putting up buildings and paving roads you change the natural flow of storm water and that creates a problem. Even the little trails I've cleared, which are just a few feet wide show more erosion and water than the adjacent untouched land.

Here are some rainfal totals for NJ, looks like we all had quite a bit:

BTW, I listened to Christie when he came on the radio at 2:15 and he said he really didn't have any response to the criticism of not speaking with local media. He said that out of 8.8 million residents, about 8.2 million still had electricity so he felt that the national news outlets were the best way to communicate with the public.


Jan 22, 2007
Southern NJ
As I post this They are loading the buses up to head back home.
By LYNDA COHEN Staff Writer |
ATLANTIC CITY - The residents evacuated on buses are expected to return the same way beginning at about 3:30 this afternoon.
About 50 buses will bring those who left their homes back to the city's Convention Center, Police Sgt. Monica McMenamin said.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Just went for a short walk around my land. Sun is shining but the wind is still very strong so I didn't want to spend a lot of time in the woods.

We had so many acorns come down last night the ground is covered with them, the deer, chipmunks and squirrels are gonna love it. They are still coming down with the continuing wind, so much so, you need a hard hat to walk around :D When we get a good gust, it sounds like carpet bombing when they hit the deck.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Winds have been quite strong here for the past couple hours, similar to last night but they are supposed to calm down in the next couple hours. Took a short drive down the road, from my home at the 50 foot level to Route 50 which is only around 5' elevation. Didn't see any flooding. It was definitely worse there two years ago with large sections of the road flooded. Used the chainsaw to cut a small dead tree that was partly blocking the driveway.


Apr 4, 2011
It seems that every tree that fell over up here in Hamilton was a Locust. The wind is more evident now than last night. The storm run off has all of the water ways swollen more than I have ever seen. I think most of the flooding now is from all of the extra build up in recent years. The water doesn't have a chance to perk back into the environment. Assunpink Creek and the Delaware River are an angry, swirling Colorado River lookalike. I can't wait to see what the river looks like tomorrow when it is at peak flood stage. It is so angry now. You can actually hear the boulders clacking as they tumble in the current.