Lines on the Pines


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Jessica and I have decided to take our pine trees and plant them in a remote spot where we enjoy going and see how well they do in the years to come.

Also, I purchased the book "Brotherton" from George Flemming and while talking to him he asked where I lived. After telling him he informed me he grew up a few towns away which coincidentally happened to be the town my dad grew up in. I was not sure of Mr. Flemmings age but felt it was semi close to my dads so I told him my dads name. I could tell instantly his brain cells were in high gear and he threw out my dads brothers name. It turns out he grew up right across the street from my dad, but apparently only knew his brother and sister. My dad was about 6 years older and by the time they were teenagers my dad was working 80 hours a week and never home. That could be why he didn't know him. It's a small world!



Oct 24, 2008
Sourland Mountains
I thought a great time was had by all... it was nice seeing people I had met before (Guy, Chuck, etc) and the new people... Bob, Gabe, Jessica, Hinchmans Hill, and Largo. I thought Linda did an excellent job on the planning and followed through with a very nice event. Sure there were some minor problems, but no event is going to be perfect. Turnout seemed excellent and the local NBC 40 coverage was a nice touch too.

For those interested I have uploaded some pictures from the event, including some video of the "Pine Barons" playing, and Howard Boyd speaking about his early days of coming to the Pines.