More Eco Terrorism?

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
I like dave’s idea and the penalty that goes with it but we all know the cash strapperd state is not in any hurry to do such a thing.
the grand total for the state would be ......................$000000000000 dollars and 00000000 cents.
we have the software annd everything else that would be needed. We have myself and a few others willing to donate the time. Now we just need a speaker for the rangers and a couple of state peopel and we can get moving. I can pretty much garauntee that the state would bring in tens of thousands of dollars the first week this was to come into effect.


Mar 8, 2006
the grand total for the state would be ......................$000000000000 dollars and 00000000 cents.
we have the software annd everything else that would be needed. We have myself and a few others willing to donate the time. Now we just need a speaker for the rangers and a couple of state peopel and we can get moving. I can pretty much garauntee that the state would bring in tens of thousands of dollars the first week this was to come into effect.

I apologize Dave I misunderstood what you were using to determine these trails. I was thinking along the lines of them having to get a committee together in the government to study it and blah blah blah and that was why I said that.
So I would love to assist with this. And I agree the state would have huge amounts generated.

Medford Piney

Feb 25, 2008
you never see posts here or anywhere about a hiker that did a crap load of damage to a protected area. :bang:

HA HA HA… Like anyone that walks in the woods would NEVER throw their trash on the ground or start a fire and burn hundreds of acreas

Hey… There is no user group that is as stereotypical, as an opposing group that dislikes them would like everyone to believe.. There are more responsible “motorized” users that respect the pinelands then those whom show up drinking beer, wheeling around to “destroy it for fun…” Just as there are more “eco-friendly” non-motorized users that believe and understand there are ample lands for all to share and enjoy even if they do not share the same interest as the others. Just like the vocal minority of eco-exclusionist around these parts that stands on top of a soapbox and shouts out fictional and unproven numbers and self made rhetoric to the group of minions and recruited subordinates to try to get them to believe everyone is bad but them. But from that group of minions and subordinates spawns a even smaller group of eco-terrorists that resort to criminal activities like the ones talked about in this thread to “take matters in their own hands” for the good of the land.. Sort of like, but at a much smaller scale, of how the eco-terrorist group Earth First morphed from rank and file and members of the Sierra Club out west.. These people will someday cross paths with the wrong person, be it law enforcement or a nut job far worst then themselves and they will pay.. These people are immoral, and if they harm another or worst kill someone and get caught, they will cry for their mommy while they become someone girlfriend in jail.. If they are not a God fearing person, they quickly will become one…


Mar 8, 2006
HA HA HA… Like anyone that walks in the woods would NEVER throw their trash on the ground or start a fire and burn hundreds of acreas

Hey… There is no user group that is as stereotypical, as an opposing group that dislikes them would like everyone to believe.. There are more responsible “motorized” users that respect the pinelands then those whom show up drinking beer, wheeling around to “destroy it for fun…” Just as there are more “eco-friendly” non-motorized users that believe and understand there are ample lands for all to share and enjoy even if they do not share the same interest as the others. Just like the vocal minority of eco-exclusionist around these parts that stands on top of a soapbox and shouts out fictional and unproven numbers and self made rhetoric to the group of minions and recruited subordinates to try to get them to believe everyone is bad but them. But from that group of minions and subordinates spawns a even smaller group of eco-terrorists that resort to criminal activities like the ones talked about in this thread to “take matters in their own hands” for the good of the land.. Sort of like, but at a much smaller scale, of how the eco-terrorist group Earth First morphed from rank and file and members of the Sierra Club out west.. These people will someday cross paths with the wrong person, be it law enforcement or a nut job far worst then themselves and they will pay.. These people are immoral, and if they harm another or worst kill someone and get caught, they will cry for their mommy while they become someone girlfriend in jail.. If they are not a God fearing person, they quickly will become one…

HERE HERE Medford Piney!

Broke Jeep Joe

Mar 8, 2006
Waterford Twp
Agreed! well said Medford!

Dave - I would donate all the spare time I had to sit with the rangers, etc and hash this out, as the pope said and many others I know as well.

Medford Piney

Feb 25, 2008
Agreed! well said Medford!

Dave - I would donate all the spare time I had to sit with the rangers, etc and hash this out, as the pope said and many others I know as well.

Unfortunately, the structure and chain of command of Rangers in this area all has recently changed, although there is a head ranger for each forest, except for Brendan Byrne which is run by committee, they all report to one regional head ranger, but ultimately the decisions and policy are made by the DEP in Trenton now as the Forest Ranger were absorbed by the DEP a few years ago. And if you want to see the eco-exclusionist come out in force, let it be know that someone wants to talk about using the pinelands for a State approved anything… Although these eco-exclusionist make statements to the public and their minions how they “TRY” to work with the off road community, it is nothing but a big fat lie… They HATE anything that has a motor, wheels and more feet then themselves…

I consider myself an Eco-friendly forest user, I believe in educating and information will convert the bad away from the darkside

Medford Piney

Feb 25, 2008

The ranger part... By attending/or discussing it first hand with an attendee of a meetings with the Group of top rangers from each South Jersey Forest and their supervisors along with Members from the NJ State Police Racing Commission to discuss new guidelines and requirements for participants and sponsoring clubs involved in events both in and out of state owned lands. By being involved in the process of applying for permits from NJSP, the state Forest, the DEP and the Pinelands Commission..

The part about the “Eco-exclusionists” … experience and dealings, reading their BS and applying common sense to it and attending in person some of their “rallies, meetings and events” and going to Pinelands Commission meetings.. that's when thier true colors really show...

Broke Jeep Joe

Mar 8, 2006
Waterford Twp
That is great info, I had you pegged for law enforcement of some type with the knowledge you purveyed on the hierarchy and chain of command with the state rangers and DEP

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
Whoever put those metal spikes in the mud puddle near Carranza isn't just targeting 4X4's and this isn't a new phenomena in that area.

About 3-4 years ago I set out on a hike on the Batona Trail from Carranza road to Quaker Bridge. About a half mile south of Carranza road I encountered two sets of tree trunks that had been tied together in an X-pattern to block the trail. It seemed awfully suspicious that a convenient new path had been freshly cut around this blockade. It was as if somebody was guiding me to follow this new path of least resistance, so I picked up a stick and started carefully poking around the ground on the freshly cut trail. Sure enough, I found boards with nails in them that had been placed in holes in the ground and then covered over with leaves and pine needles. Had one of my feet fallen into a hole and down onto the nails with the full force of my body weight, it would have seriously injured me. I'm just glad I discovered this mischief and was able to dismantle it before somebody else walked through there and fell victim to it. Whoever is doing this stuff needs a serious ass kicking.


Nov 21, 2008
I fell victim to one of these traps about 2 years ago right on Hampton rd not far fro these ones , some sort of metal spike went all the way thru my tire , it was late at night and I wad Alone doing some geocaching , it took 6 tire plugs that u happen to have with me just to patch the hole enough to get me home , so whoever doing this better not let me catch them


Jan 2, 2003
Whoever put those metal spikes in the mud puddle near Carranza isn't just targeting 4X4's and this isn't a new phenomena in that area.

I agree, and I don't think this is eco-terrorism.
About 2 years ago I found 2 car batteries and a door in the big puddle at High Croosing. Same for creating ruts in the road and bottoms of puddles. High Crossing - Hampton Furnace Road is becoming a hazzard all by it's self. A deep puddle near HF has a 4 inch stump sticking up about 6 inches. If you don't take that puddle on the correct side you are in for a supprise. Also further toward HF there is an old wooden culvert that collapsed. A support post is sticking up and as the ruts get deeper I'm afraid it will catch my differential. Theres not a choice as to where you put your tires.

What's up with these people?

Broke Jeep Joe

Mar 8, 2006
Waterford Twp
Ed- If it's not eco terrorism, then why would someone fabricate those spikes out of 8" I-beam and place them in the puddle for anyone to run over? You don't think it was someone trying to protect the area? Just want to know what your opinion is on that. As far as the holes, etc on Hampton, a small, very small part of that damage is due to erosion from the snow, etc. we have experienced this season. Granted, the trucks running through there and sinking, etc. do not help matters much.


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
Ed- If it's not eco terrorism, then why would someone fabricate those spikes out of 8" I-beam and place them in the puddle for anyone to run over? You don't think it was someone trying to protect the area? Just want to know what your opinion is on that. As far as the holes, etc on Hampton, a small, very small part of that damage is due to erosion from the snow, etc. we have experienced this season. Granted, the trucks running through there and sinking, etc. do not help matters much.

Heh, I don't think the problem is with trucks "running through there and sinking." The problem is with people who go back there specifically because of the mudholes, get into them, and purposefully tear the shit out of them because that's what they think is fun. The forest is just an obstacle course to that sort of person. In the long run I don't worry about the woods, or even the bogs, which have seen much worse over time. But it does make the state forest less accessible to the public.

Broke Jeep Joe

Mar 8, 2006
Waterford Twp
Mark - In my post you can read "sinking" as tearing the shit out of everything. Forgive me, but I don't understand your last sentence? You mean by these jack asses tearing up the roads less normal people have access? Why wouldn't that make you worry?


Jan 2, 2003
Ed- If it's not eco terrorism, then why would someone fabricate those spikes out of 8" I-beam and place them in the puddle for anyone to run over? You don't think it was someone trying to protect the area? Just want to know what your opinion is on that. As far as the holes, etc on Hampton, a small, very small part of that damage is due to erosion from the snow, etc. we have experienced this season. Granted, the trucks running through there and sinking, etc. do not help matters much.

No, I don't think they're trying to protect anything. It's not focused on the type of irresponsible destruction we have been discussing. I see all kinds of junk tossed into puddels meant to intentionally cause harm, but I must admit spikes are a bit severe. Like post 92 about the sabatogged Batona Trail, it's just mean vandalism. People dumping trash out there when they could just as easily place it in front of any house in Tabernacle and it would go away for free. Some people just like messing with people. I'm trying to understand the personality here. The reason for the spikes is not obvious, it wasn't on the road to 1/4 mile. No statement was made.
Now that woman cutting up the trestles, that was focused.

Broke Jeep Joe

Mar 8, 2006
Waterford Twp
Ed- Thanks for clearing that up, makes sense the way you put it. The menatality would be like lets see who we can screw today... Probably the same jack asses that throw crap off of APH.


New Member
Mar 26, 2010
I'm a Detective with the New Jersey State Park Police. The State Park Ranger position hasn't existed in NJ since 2005. All rangers became State Park Police Officers. If you have any information you would like to provide to our department about crimes in the State Parks, please contact our Dispatch at 877-927-6337. Or you can call or send me an email and I will forward it to someone who can help investigate the crime. Thank you. It sounds like you guys are extra eyes and ears out there. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Detective Timothy J. Kasony #790
New Jersey State Park Police
Monmouth Battlefield State Park