Teegate, the Dragon's Mouth looks terrific with the morning dew on it. I found a large stand of Arethusa along the Tulpe but in a different location than what you showed me last year.There are at least fifty plants in one local area and many more spreading from that central "core". These where hidden in the stand of cedars and growing in the elevated sphagnum mounds. I was excited to find them.
-On a side note, I think I may have found Death camas but won't be sure until I see it in bloom. (Oji, you may know who tipped me off...a terrific fellow who goes by the name Mark.
-On a side note, I think I may have found Death camas but won't be sure until I see it in bloom. (Oji, you may know who tipped me off...a terrific fellow who goes by the name Mark.