Can anyone share a location in or near the pine barrens for spiranthes laciniata? I'd been told 'martha', and saw flickr pictures listing 'quaker bridge', and also told along the batsto river closer to batsto...
my first native orchid find of this year in new jersey was northern small yellow ladyslipper up northwest jersey not far from the delaware water gap. In august I went to a bog with a group from a delaware native plant organization and we saw cristata, white fringed, some light cristata and club spur. Driving around we saw other spots for white fringed and cristata and driving home I saw more white fringed.
I'm interested in any native orchid spots in new jersey so that I can collect images for my native orchid educational display that i'm doing for the north jersey orchid society where I was a member while working in north jersey. I previously created the same for an educational display of new york native orchids while I was a member of the central ny orchid society. You can see older native orchid pictures on the website that I still maintain minimally though out of state; go to and on the home page you will see a link to native orchids pictures, then a few links and those pics are all mine. If you would like to see general pictures of my educational display you can go from the cnyos homepage and go to the show pictures pages, and many of the early to middle years will have a picture of a large five frame display with many pictures, which is mine.
This is my first post, so I understand if people want to get to know me first. I have extensive native orchid locations in new york, and am starting to gather some for pa, del, virginia, md and have some for long island, conn. mass and vermont plus some in ontario (plus was directed to some native orchids near the teton village ski area near jackson wyoming in I think it was august or october)
oh; the pictures i've seen here from all of you are very nice!