When traveling out of South Jersey, especially driving, I take pleasure in noticing the landscape changes; from outer coastal plain, to inner, to piedmont onto mountain. I often bore whichever unlucky passenger happens to be tagging along with the nuance of the elevation changes and differences in flora. That being said, I am still fascinated when I encounter pine barren landscapes outside of the Pine Barrens proper. Maybe it is a feeling of being "home away from home;" regardless I try to make a mental note where I am so I can find it on the map later. Yesterday I was returning from a visit with a friend who lives near Kent Island in MD. I now live in Smithville but I used to live in Gandys Beach and would take rt. 540 from the Delaware Memorial Bridge back down to the Bay. I decided to do so again and take the long way around Down Jersey and forgot about the area just south of Alloway that is absolutely pine barrens even though it is outside of the defined borders. It is mostly oak dominated, but there are some stately pines that flank the roadway and meander into the interior. This specific area is on Telegraph Rd. between Pecks Corner, Marlboro, and Cohansey. I have noticed on some maps of the pines that there are areas outside of the legal term that are in fact pine barrens (geologically, florally, etc.). I think I've read somewhere that these are called "exjunct" areas but a simple search has provided nothing of substance. I suppose this post is an effort to see if I am the only one who feels this way; and more importantly, if not, which are some of your favorite "outside of the pine barrens" barrens?
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