Sadly, I think it would be really tough to make money in that place today. Just thinking of all the little local businesses that have folded down here in Mays Landing in the past couple years. There was a little sub shop/deli/produce market called Gregorios on Rt 50, kind of a local landmark. About 5 years ago it was sold and the new owner had big plans. They added a bakery/coffee shop and expanded stock to turn it into a full market. Within a year they closed the coffee shop part. I went there frequently and it always seemed to be full of customers, but evidently they just couldn't make money. After three years, they were out of business and it just sits there empty now.
Or the little hardware store Mays Landing, classic old-time hardware with a little bit of everything. I stopped by all the time. A few months ago it was closed with a sign on the window that said "We fought the bank. The bank won."
It's really sad, but all these little places just can't compete with the Wawa, Home Depot and Walmart. And since this is New Jersey, there's always one of those within a 15 minute drive. Sure hope I'm wrong, but it's hard to be optimistic about small business these days.