Where is this?


Feb 8, 2022
Here's one that is really buried
1. Where is it?
2. What did it say? The "R" might be a clue. I don't know what it said but there are 10,000 points to the person with the answer. The other side was no help.
View attachment 23483
View attachment 23484

I think it's this:


Photo from 2021 - but I think this one has been there for a while. Do I get 10,000 points? :)

As to where yours is, I have no idea! It looks like it has endured some buck shot.
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Jan 2, 2003
To collect your 10,000 points, you must solve the rest of the mystery.
Here's a clue. It is between these 2 locations, not 1/2-mile apart.

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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I know the locations of the "rest of the mystery." Actually, the one I am looking for in post 2,351 is also semi nearby.
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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
That first spot with the wires looks like ore spung, and I think someone took a photo I'm in on the second one. But, my memory is fading, could be incorrect.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
That first spot with the wires looks like ore spung, and I think someone took a photo I'm in on the second one. But, my memory is fading, could be incorrect.

No. It is a tributary of the Featherbed. About a quarter of that pond owned by the state and 3/4 by the NJCF. The state owns the property shown in Ed's photo. Once owned by Evans And Wills.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
And the Pine Crest train station was just above the number 100 in the above post next to the pointer. Look around there between the pointer and the 100 for the monument of Evans and Wills, the Parker Preserve and the Pine Crest Gun Club. Formally owned by LeDuc and other.


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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
The USGS 19th century topo shows Harris Station here

The Vermeule map shows it slight farther Northwest, but pretty close

Cook shows Harris Station a little farther Southwest

I have no idea where it really was, but don't think any of those maps are very accurate, the railroad tracks are actually farther South than they are on any of the old topo's.


The NJPB ArcGIS topo is not clear enough to really show this detail, but what is the the black box on the railroad tracks next to Pinecrest on the USGS 24k topo? Was that Pinecrest station? Was this a replacement for Harris Station? Seems too close to be a separate stop.


Screen Shot 2024-10-10 at 10.35.34 AM.png

But that location on the 24k topo is about 750 feet Northeast of where you say Pinecrest was located. Is the 24k topo is wrong or am I misinterpreting it?

And the Pine Crest train station was just above the number 100 in the above post next to the pointer.
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Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Just did a quick search. Turns out that this has been a popular topic of discussion - lots of interesting info in these threads!



Jan 2, 2003
And the Pine Crest train station was just above the number 100 in the above post next to the pointer. Look around there between the pointer and the 100 for the monument of Evans and Wills, the Parker Preserve and the Pine Crest Gun Club. Formally owned by LeDuc and other.
I'll look for it.
BTW that road has just recently been graded. It is very nice.
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek

This might be of general interest because it isn't immediately obvious. You can link to specific posts in a thread by clicking on the post number (magenta circle in my screenshot below). Now, copy the URL from your browser's address bar and paste it into your post. When you click that link, the desired post should be at the top of the page. (I fixed the link in your post above).

Screen Shot 2024-10-10 at 1.20.36 PM.png
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I was at work writing my post above and was in error about the Pine Crest Station. It is the Harris Station I meant to say but failed to do so. I should never post on this site while at work.

Anyway, the HARRIS station was located inside what was later the Pine Crest Buck Club property as the train company had easement rights if that is the proper way to say it. This is the location of Harris Station.

I have a 1912 map showing the location just to the right of the Constant LaDuc land which you can see in the link as the line running down North West to South East by the pointer on the top at the link. If you go out there and find the monument I mention above, you are on the line in the link. If you stand at the monument and look east down the tracks the HARRIS station was right in front of you.

The yellow circle shows the Harris station. The blue circle shows the monument location on the property line of the train company that you should look for. Where it says stone next to the Harris station is the other property line for the train company. What looks like a box around the area was the Pine Crest Buck Club property showing the Harris station inside of their property.




Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I have mentioned this before but I doubt anyone remembers it because it was so long ago. The Pine Crest Buck Club was concerned that they may become landlocked and not have access to their property. So they purchased an easement all the way from the Bordentown Gun Club to the edge of the train easement. They would be able to drive in from 532 and travel on their property all the way to the edge of the JCRR property and then just walk across the tracks to their property leaving their vehicles right across the track in easy walking distance. When Wharton was being surveyed, Joseph Truncer who ran the Division of Economic Development which later because the DEP, had concerns that surveyor Norman Eldridge had made a mistake when surveying the easement and wrote him and asked about. Here is the actual survey maps and Joseph Truncer writing to the Wharton Survey team in what now is the maintenance garage on Lovers Lane in Green Bank.

It says:

6/1/1955 Conference with Norman Eldridge L.S. (Licensed Surveyor), Pemberton. N. Eldridge stated that he did the field work on this survey and that the draftsman must have made a mistake and established a corner where there was only a transit station. He further stated he thought the west line of this transit should be a straight line from the JJRR to the corner of the Bordentown Gun Club. J.J. Truncer.

merged best as possible.JPG
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