I was at work writing my post above and was in error about the Pine Crest Station. It is the Harris Station I meant to say but failed to do so. I should never post on this site while at work.
Anyway, the HARRIS station was located inside what was later the Pine Crest Buck Club property as the train company had easement rights if that is the proper way to say it. This is the location of Harris Station.
I have a 1912 map showing the location just to the right of the Constant LaDuc land which you can see in the link as the line running down North West to South East by the pointer on the top at the link. If you go out there and find the monument I mention above, you are on the line in the link. If you stand at the monument and look east down the tracks the HARRIS station was right in front of you.
The yellow circle shows the Harris station. The blue circle shows the monument location on the property line of the train company that you should look for. Where it says stone next to the Harris station is the other property line for the train company. What looks like a box around the area was the Pine Crest Buck Club property showing the Harris station inside of their property.