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  1. 1Jerseydevil

    WMAs closing areas

    If that sign is in FRM then it includes all the land within the newly created OC park or just the top of the FRM? What's most disturbing is "motor vehicles" include Jeeps, pickups any and all road legal vehicles. Does this mean access is only by foot, horse or bicycle? Since there is no time...
  2. 1Jerseydevil

    Ghost Forest

    " nature needs to take its course most of the time. When man tries to "improve" it there are often unforeseen consequences." Aren't beavers the only other animal able to change its environment? Of the two, which is most destructive to nature? Then I have to ask, beavers are destructive to who...
  3. 1Jerseydevil


    Doesn't work in the Pines. For years motorcycle clubs participated in cleanups with gun clubs, PPA and other interests. When asked to clean and extend the Batona trail it was done with no help from others. A rather long bridge was built with pilings when asked only to be scorned and spit on...
  4. 1Jerseydevil

    Right of way?

    Thanks Bob. Yes, that is a serious trail for sure. The trail is NOT used for events as clubs aren't allowed there, it has to be a private group maintaining it for personal use. It's been years since I've been there and for sure figured it was forgotten about. It's quite long, it runs from Red...
  5. 1Jerseydevil

    Right of way?

    As mentioned, did you notice an old mc trail in pit #1? Trails and roads grow over quick and I'm sure it's grown over and forgotten. Oh, the R.O.W. for pit #2 is confusing. Do you have any idea for its purpose? Is it still valid?
  6. 1Jerseydevil

    Right of way?

    Bob Did you get a chance to visit the other clearing? What if anything did you find? Did you notice if there was also an old mc trail through that one also? Exploring both, which do you think was the game location?
  7. 1Jerseydevil

    Right of way?

    Bob The one closest to Coyle was certainly a borrow pit at one time. I haven't been there in a few years. I was following a mc trail that enters the pit in one corner and exits an opposite corner. I don't remember any debris, but I was not looking either so it may have been there. I don't think...
  8. 1Jerseydevil

    And so it goes, and goes

    It must be close then, I see a water tower in the background. In Ocean Breeze the trees are pulled out stumps and all, laid on the ground, then skidders haul them to the grinder where they are top loaded into the rotary grinder. It is interesting until you realize what is being destroyed and how...
  9. 1Jerseydevil

    And so it goes, and goes

    On Rt 72. Escapes Ocean Breeze, just West of Ocean Acres. Your right poof, gone in 60 seconds. Did you see the grinder that mulches the trees, roots and all? Think about where that colored mulch comes from when you buy and spread it around your shrubbery!
  10. 1Jerseydevil

    Reuben Corlis

    I've noticed that in most if not all old photos anywhere. I fit right in. Take note that today for face recognition such as passport, driver license, etc. it's required not to smile.
  11. 1Jerseydevil

    East Plains

    I wish you had taken a picture of the bridge. Not that it matters if it's now out. I was there maybe 5+ years ago to find a well-built foot bridge. It was somewhat elevated, 12-15"? and maybe 18" wide, I guess to prevent or at least deter motorcycle use. You had a long walk going in by the FAA...
  12. 1Jerseydevil

    Herd's Cabin

    :smug:. Unfortunately, you guys found out the hard way, but you "had" to know, I would have also.
  13. 1Jerseydevil

    Illegal ATVs are destroying our state parks and officials need to act

    Not intending to rehash the old, but that was what the Chatsworth pit was, the other pit bought with the money put aside by the Chatsworth park and now a pit bought by the State out in the marshlands in South Jersey that no business in their right mind would want to run.
  14. 1Jerseydevil

    Herd's Cabin

    OK, now the rest of us are, :confused:
  15. 1Jerseydevil

    Forest hunters etiquette question

    They have no "right" per say. Aside from bow season they have a relatively short time to pursue their pleasure. This is more so during gun week. We for the most part have 365 days to pursue our pleasure. Share the woods we all enjoy, even if they are a dick, they'll be gone soon. As mentioned...
  16. 1Jerseydevil

    Various From This Morning

    Thanks for the additional info. Funny, just prior to your post I was looking at the satellite view of this area
  17. 1Jerseydevil

    Various From This Morning

    There hasn't been talk of Wells Mills in a while. The last time it showed a breach of the road. From your latest photo, I assume the road breach has been repaired?
  18. 1Jerseydevil

    Power Lines

    Guy The 2 powerline photos are not taken from the same spot? Regardless, it's amazing how much has grown in, in 14 years. Nature at work.
  19. 1Jerseydevil

    Various From This Morning

    I'm not sure if I read it here or somewhere else. Isn't there work being done somewhere in Stafford Forge to cultivate the broom crowberry?
  20. 1Jerseydevil

    Am I a Piney Now?

    Speaking of Ed's property, my friend and I had the pleasure of meeting him when our car got stuck farther west on Oswego rd near the cranberry bogs. The pine flies were horrendous as we walked back to Ed's to ask for 2 shovels. He walked back with us and helped. This was the '69 or '70 era. The...