Search results

  1. Sue Gremlin

    New Chigger Remedy

    Well, Raid will certainly do it. There is a reason pyrethroids are not labeled for application to the skin though. Sheesh. I sometimes use Repel-X for horses on my pants and socks though.
  2. Sue Gremlin

    Emerald Ash Borer

    I am very sorry to hear they have found NJ. They are epidemic in Michigan and have virtually wiped out all ash trees in our area, including five very large ones on my property that we now have to cut down. It is devastating and fast. It takes two years for a tree to go from vital and healthy to...
  3. Sue Gremlin

    Morel Mushroom Hunting

    I just thought I'd post a little brag about the morels we picked from the lawn in the back yard. (For the uninitiated, we are in Michigan, torn away from NJ a few years ago). We spotted most of them when they were small, so Joe flagged them and we watched them over the next week or 10 days, and...
  4. Sue Gremlin

    Morel Mushroom Hunting

    I have found a few morels in Mercer county along the Delaware River, but never in the pines. The buzz out here in morel country is that you need fires and elm trees in order to create the right microenvironment to support them. I admit that I haven't looked that closely for them, but I can't...
  5. Sue Gremlin

    The NEW Beer Thread

    NO. NO. No. No. No NO.
  6. Sue Gremlin

    True Piney Environment

    Those bastards! You probably know, but that is a female black-legged tick. They are cool and cold weather beasts.
  7. Sue Gremlin

    Another Deer Tick Disease

    Ah, thanks! It is hard for me to tell even from this if some of the smaller ones are deer ticks. I think I do see one on top, but can't be sure. My piney experience tells me lone star ticks (Amblyomma americanum) are most common down there and they CAN carry Lyme disease, believe it or not, as...
  8. Sue Gremlin

    Another Deer Tick Disease

    Argh! The photo in this article has three different species- The only one that's the deer tick is the bottom one.
  9. Sue Gremlin

    Another Deer Tick Disease

    This is probably rude to reply to such an old thread. But I can't contain myself. This pic is awesome! The sticky roller thing is a genius idea and one I won't ever forget. I go out with a white drag cloth often to collect ticks just to see what's out there, and I rarely come up with any here...
  10. Sue Gremlin

    A Christmas Eve Mystery

    D'oh! Sorry. I posted this before I saw Gibby's reply.
  11. Sue Gremlin

    A Christmas Eve Mystery

    Eastern eyed click beetle, Alaus oculatus
  12. Sue Gremlin

    Golden Eagle Sighting

    This is amazing. I love how you can see his very full belly (crop) sticking out.
  13. Sue Gremlin

    Coyotes today

    Oh good! :dance:
  14. Sue Gremlin

    Coyotes today

    Really?! Which shot?
  15. Sue Gremlin

    Coyotes today

    Aw, shucks, you guys! :) Thanks for such a nice reception. Michigan is actually gorgeous and wide open, lots of places to wander. But none of them quite like the pines. We have flown the kites a lot since then, and have since started using the GoPro, which only takes wide angle shots. I love...
  16. Sue Gremlin

    Coyotes today

    Oh, I BEG your pardon. I know the rules but heard a rumor that the forum members could be bribed with beer. Is there any truth to that?
  17. Sue Gremlin

    Critters unleashed in NJ

    The weevil thing makes me incredibly uncomfortable. This seems like such a bad idea for a lot of reasons. Has anyone heard anything about them?
  18. Sue Gremlin

    Coyotes today

    WOW! I need to log into this site more often. These are phenomenal pics and videos.
  19. Sue Gremlin

    Poor Coyote Dental Health and Geese

    Oh, sorry, missed that. Poor dude.
  20. Sue Gremlin

    Poor Coyote Dental Health and Geese

    They do store fat differently, in a dog in good flesh, they'll have fat on their butt, behind the elbows and in the abdomen. If he was in generally good flesh without noticeable skinniness in the ribs, it may very well have been trauma. His head turned back like that makes me think he was hit by...