Search results

  1. Sue Gremlin

    Swamp Monster

    Trust me, it does that here, too. I can't seem to find a photo, but I had one in my yard that was growing around a 150 year old cottonwood tree whose vine was at least 24" in diameter. It was quite a sight to behold. They are beautiful, but quite parasitic.
  2. Sue Gremlin

    Kayaker/Canoe ers

    Me too. Otherwise we can be seen with kayaks on top of the Jeep almost all summer.
  3. Sue Gremlin

    Flower ID

    I get the same thing with AVG.
  4. Sue Gremlin

    is this a good a gps ?

    Oh fer cryin out loud! :)
  5. Sue Gremlin

    Abandoned building on 206

    Wow. I worked in New Egypt back in the late 80s and lived in Bordentown. My then significant other lived in Mt Holly and I would pass that barn every day. It was much less dilapidated then, and may have even been in use. As I reacall, there was farm equipment and an office in there. I think that...
  6. Sue Gremlin

    Beer (again)

    Okay, this made me laugh.
  7. Sue Gremlin

    Tick today

    amitraz collars wouldn't be repellent, not the same way that permethrin collars are.
  8. Sue Gremlin

    Tick today

    If your dog is still getting ticks with Frontline, it ain't doing the trick. There are other things out there for that. Preventic collar is excellent tick control for dogs. Just excellent. There is also a new spot on for dogs containing the same ingredient in the preventic collar that works...
  9. Sue Gremlin

    Tick today

    Why not just pull them off with your fingers?
  10. Sue Gremlin

    Beer (again)

    Wow, I loved that album. Thanks for reminding me, I'm gonna go download it.
  11. Sue Gremlin

    Tick today

    I collect engorged ticks from my coworkers' pets, I rear them and use them in cruel and evil laboratory experiments. People bring them to me often, and I have been getting them pretty much all winter.
  12. Sue Gremlin

    Tick today

    You are probably not immune to Lyme disease. Don't let complacency keep you from taking precautions against tick bites. Plus, (I probably sound like a broken record), there is more than Lyme disease to worry about when it comes to tick bites. Basically, that is the least of our worries. My boss...
  13. Sue Gremlin

    Kayak recommendations?

    That's supposed to be for your water bottle! :mrgreen:
  14. Sue Gremlin

    Kayak recommendations?

    It must have to do with center of gravity. I am guessing I am more, uh, topheavy than you are. :)
  15. Sue Gremlin

    Kayak recommendations?

    I've paddled these, my sister has two of them. They are not too bad! I was impressed. They are small but track well. Not very comfortable for long trips, but that's just me. Maybe I'm just a princess.
  16. Sue Gremlin

    Canoeing with my oldest son

    It's about that time, isn't it!? I can't wait to get out there. Nice pics! It looks like it was a great day. :)
  17. Sue Gremlin

    Kayak recommendations?

    I have always been a fan of Dagger kayaks. Something about the way they track is just right. I have had a few, one was a Perception Keowee that was not all that great, the balance was just off. It was made for touring so it had a bit of a keel, but it was extremely unstable. Now I have two...
  18. Sue Gremlin

    unnecessary pollution

  19. Sue Gremlin

    Anybody with access to a tow vehicle...?

    Coooooool! Do you have any pics?
  20. Sue Gremlin

    Beer (again)

    I love beer and really appreciate a nice microbrew as much as the next chick. But I have to say, I have really not found much that I enjoy more than plain old Guinness. :)