Ben, I see you're trying to get out to some spots. If you want, I'll take you for an outing in my 4 runner and we can hit some of the areas you want to get to.
The subscriptions I buy only last one year for downloads. So within one week of buying the subscription, I download all of South Jersey. That was over a year ago, so I don't have the right anymore.
As long as they stay below the high tide line, and in NJ a reasonable amount of dry sand, they can't be made to get off. Hey, I'm just saying, we got rights as citizens of this great state.
Yeah, I entered through BaseCamp, so that's likely the gateway. Regarding their customer service, it seems all the workers are assigned "if" they have a moment free from whatever else they are doing.
I did the same thing Guy....several spungs in the area could be burned, which is good for new growth. I shook my head at the Facebook people throwing thoughts and prayers that the fire would be quickly put out so the forest would not die.
You are quite the optomistic person. Maybe someone should bolster that petition with another. Give me your name and adress and I'll write a petition for you and I'll get the signatures, and I'll submit it in your name, as if it came from you. You don't even have to lift a finger. Sound okay?