Search results

  1. Dragonfly Whisperer

    PL Hiking Trails with Extensive Closed Canopy?

    Al, It was part of a plant class I thook that summer. Each weekend we had a field trip to see what we learned inthe class. Most trip were great! Plenty of shade, But this particular one did not agree with me. I cannot sit in the sun at home either. I just get a headache; no more flea markets...
  2. Dragonfly Whisperer

    PL Hiking Trails with Extensive Closed Canopy?

    Well I had a hat and water, and I drank it, but it as a 6 hour tour 9-3. Cloudy days might be OK. Actually I think going this time of year would be nice. But can't got to do Stockton event tomorrow.
  3. Dragonfly Whisperer

    PL Hiking Trails with Extensive Closed Canopy?

    I will NEVER do the Pygmy Forest in July again!. Can't get shade anywhere. All I got was a terrible headache. I need to stay out of the sun. I am hoping to do the Pygmies before the heat comes, then stick to the deciduous after June.
  4. Dragonfly Whisperer

    MakePeace, A PBX Hike

    Al, Looking at the map with the red lines on it. I can see the trail I came in from to the left and it meets up with it. So I did travel part of the same trail. I stopped where you see the big 90 degree turn to the right. As far as the Goose ponds.. there are two the Big Goose and the Little...
  5. Dragonfly Whisperer

    “Landscaping for Birds and other Wildlife” presentation 4/2/12

    Oh cool. maybe I will see you . I should be near the back, I am usually late for everything but work.
  6. Dragonfly Whisperer

    MakePeace, A PBX Hike

    Yes that would be it Al. You can use the road, but there are signs posted as to not venture off of it to the left. The last time I got to where the Holly trees were in the clearing. I might head up there tomorrow as thats my last free day before going back to work Monday.
  7. Dragonfly Whisperer

    “Landscaping for Birds and other Wildlife” presentation 4/2/12

    A presentation called“Landscaping for Birds and other Wildlife” will be help on April 2, 2012 at 7pm at the UU Building in Pomona. This is on 575 and Liebig Ave. Jesse Conner will be speaking. This is the final in a 3 part series on sustainable landscapes. The event is FREE.
  8. Dragonfly Whisperer

    Stockton’s 11th Annual Environmental Forum “Get Into the Green Scene”

    Stockton’s 11th Annual Environmental Forum “Get Into the Green Scene” Gonna be this coming Saturday at Stockton from 9-4 and it's FREE! I will be there with the native plants and South Jersey Fair Trade Alliance. Looks pretty good, see below.... Register for the event by e-mailing your name...
  9. Dragonfly Whisperer

    MakePeace, A PBX Hike

    I am fixin to get back out there before my vaca is over. I think I will just stick to what I know and feel comfortable hiking alone, which is going in behind my friend's house behind the river. This time I will venture a little further.
  10. Dragonfly Whisperer

    2012 Pinelands Short Course

    I attened for my fourth time also. No problem finding the classes, 4 of thr 5 were in Parker, 2 in the same room, 147. My chief complaint was that the classes that are exepcted to fill up fast sre held in small rooms. Spung mans class was full and was held in a little room while the class on the...
  11. Dragonfly Whisperer

    MakePeace, A PBX Hike

    WOW, Nice pics. I wish I could have gone with you guys. I actually went back on the last day of Jan by myself. I am curious where you went in at. I go in down by the Furnace. My friend owns a house that backs up to the WMA. It looks similar to the trail in your pics, but it could be they all...
  12. Dragonfly Whisperer

    Green Bank Inn

    It was in the English Creek Shopping Center. I forget what they called it, but it was the "urgent care " of its time. One could go there for an immediate attention rather than the ER. I think it got closed down as one of the main Drs there was involved in some kind of scandle. the name Dr Eddie...
  13. Dragonfly Whisperer

    Lines on the Pines 2012

    I plan on getting there at 11 when it opens. Its my first time, don't want to miss anything.
  14. Dragonfly Whisperer


    I am considering getting a street legal dirt bike if has goes up to $5.00. I had a bike and back in the 90s and it saved me a lot of gas. I could ride all day for $2.00. Might be $6.00 at todays prices, but it sure beat $55.00 to fill up
  15. Dragonfly Whisperer

    Obama plan for spotted owl targets rival bird

    Phragmites definately need to be erradicated, along with the purple loostrife, no question there. My solution to dandelions is rather simple; eat them.
  16. Dragonfly Whisperer

    Green Bank Inn

    Havent been there since the 90s. It was a bad night. I had a sore throat that had come on during the day, but otherwise felt OK. That evening I went with my friend Vicki to see the fireworks in EHC. After we went up to Green Bank in and I thought a nice cold Birch Beer (I don't drink alcohol)may...
  17. Dragonfly Whisperer

    Help with tavern on White Horse Pike

    Yes it was a nice story. And a reminder to us all. Thank you
  18. Dragonfly Whisperer

    Obama plan for spotted owl targets rival bird

    The Spotted owl 20 years ago is what turned me into a Tree Hugger. No regrets there, I love studying our natural environment. At that time the problem was habitiat loss and still is. Sad that they should think to shoot a native bird just so they can continue with the habitat destruction with...
  19. Dragonfly Whisperer


    Speculators, just like last time
  20. Dragonfly Whisperer

    Facebook Too Big?

    No Facebook for me. People tell me all the time I should be, but I have no desire or time. I am busy enough as it is. I use my internet time for research and educational things. Also I don't need my privacy invaded. I do not trust these sites, nor do I put any personal/financial info on my...