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  1. J

    Another Batona Trail Loop

    Yesterday I took a snow covered hike in Lebanon State Forest along the Batona Trail. Not wanting to just turn around, or hike the rest of the trail's 49.5 miles, I tried doing a loop. From the office at Lebanon State Forest, a short connecting trail leads to the Batona Trail. When you reach...
  2. J

    NJ Conservation Foundation and DeMarco Done Deal

    NJ Conservation Foundation Property Done Deal From the horse's mouth, here's a press release about this matter that recently appeared on the NJ Conservation Foundation's website: L-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-and that was kept...
  3. J

    McPhee's THE PINE BARRENS Revisited

    I recently finished reading John McPhee's THE PINE BARRENS, after having read it many years ago. This is certainly a seminole book on the Pine Barrens. It covers the natives who live there from a human interest standpoint, the ecology and the social and political aspects of the Pine Barrens and...
  4. J

    NJ Conservation Foundation and DeMarco Done Deal

    The latest development in the New Jersey Conservation Foundation's quest to acquire the DeMarco property in the heart of the Pine Barrens: It's a done deal.
  5. J


    INCENSE PEPPERMINT [parody of The Strawberry Alarm Clock song] Incense peppermint Their disdain for mankind Cranberry, blueberry growers Loggers make them go out of their mind Whose land is, for them to choose? They have something to win And nothing to loose Oh, such innocence Of nature --...
  6. J


    The plan for the New Jersey Conservation Foundation to acquire the DeMarco property seems to be moving right along, meandering almost imperceptably at times, like a Pine Barrens river. It is good that this scenic, rural gem that you...
  7. J

    Batona Trail Loop towards Apple Pie Hill

    I recently plotted and hiked a loop on the Batona Trail, starting across Carranza Road, near the Memorial, and partway up Apple Pie Hill. Based on information from the Batona Trail map, the Wharton State Forest map, and a topo map, I turned right onto a sand road after the Batona Trail climbs...
  8. J

    A Pine Barrens Christmas

    YOU BETTER WATCH OUT You better watch out You better not cry You better watch out I’m telling you why The Whacko Greens are coming To town They’re making a dis Saying it more than twice They’re going to find Who’s naughty and nice The Whacko Greens are coming To town They know what you are...
  9. J

    A Pine Barrens Christmas

    PINE TREES ROASTING IN A FOREST FIRE Pine trees roasting in a forest fire Wildfires jumping across the road Any time anyplace this may happen again Merry Christmas, to you And fire fighters are on their way I want it to burn and to them I’d like say Don’t you know my Mother Earth wants to burn...
  10. J

    Whitesbog Village

    I visited Whitesbog Village recently for the first time. When I first drove in to the actual village, which appeared to be kept the way it was, I didn't realize that just down the road a short way was such an expanse. The preserved village is quite spartan, with a bulletin board with a map of...
  11. J


    I love my car I love the Pine Barrens I like to drive down unpaved roads And explore it now and then I love this board ‘though we’re all not in one accord on everything about the Pine Barrens, Lord I love this board I love this board
  12. J


    Garfield Demarco, who sold the 9400 acre tract of land in the heart of the Pine Barrens, which may be turned into a public nature park, talks about the cranberry ghost town of Friendship...
  13. J


    I LOVE THIS BOARD [parody of the Country & Western song I LOVE THIS BAR] I love this board ‘though we’re all not in one accord on everything about the Pine Barrens, Lord I love this board There’s no cover charge Tell folks where you've been and what you are Deep in the Barrens far I love this...
  14. J


    DIG IT HAVE A PARK CRANBERRIES [parody of a 60’s song] Su-u-u-u-u-u-un streaming down through the trees Dig it have a park cranberries Can you dig it? A-a-a-a-a-a-a place where they grow cranberries Dig it have a park cranberries Can you dig it? And every th-ing is real You can hear it...
  15. J


    WHO’LL STOP THIS PAIN? [parody of Credence Clearwater Revival’s WHO’LL STOP THE RAIN?] I went to the Pine Barrens And walked out on a frozen bog Surrounded by woods and frozen water I watched the towers, grown My wilderness plan’s not new to you Rope off lands with golden chains And I wonder...
  16. J

    Newspaper article

    Do you remember when? The cars were idling, humming On the Garden State Parkway When the fire reached by there It ripped around and around and around Though towns Again Burning homes and anything in its’ path It brought down Again So let it rip again Like it did that summer Let it rip again...
  17. J

    Newspaper article

    I just saw Thomas Bonnicksen on Fox News, whose headline was FOREST ECOLOGIST. Dr. Bonnicksen said that you can either just leave the forest the way it is, overstocked with trees and allow fires as bad or worse than the ones destroying Southern California, or you can thin out the forests. Fox...
  18. J


    THE LAND FROM DOWN UNDER [parody of a 60ish song] Wreeeeeee-eweeeeeeeewe Doomp Dit-dit Doop Dit-dit Doomp Dit-dit They come from the land from down under There’s no lightning But they are just full of thunder Da Da They come from the land from down under If you speak against them You better...
  19. J


    IF I COULD TURN BACK TIME [parody of the CHER song] If I could turn back ti-ime If I could find a way I’d treat the forests The way the Native Americans did In the Pine Barrens Today I have no need for ba-ars For drugs or alcohol too I just want to, want to Do it the way they do I just want...
  20. J

    Newspaper article

    I just reread through testimony on the wilfire management meeting held the summer before last, which I posted further up this thread. After whining about not being able to be insured for more "controlled burns" and his short diatribe about W's HEALTHY FOREST INITIATIVE, which, using the old...