Made it home after several detours for accidents, stuck vehicles and downed wires. I saw a transformer arc up and then explode right in front of me on the Pike in Chesihurst that actually left me seeing white spots for a minute. It was actually pretty cool to see. The liquor store in Chesihurst was closed and had several disappointed would-be customers peering through the darkened windows.
As I feared though, when I got home we had no electricity. No electricity = no water = no heat = no nothing. (except for gas stove)
So I broke out the snowblower and a somewhat cold beer and started throwing slushy snow. It worked better than expected.
I hauled the generator out and positioned it where I could bring a power cord through a window to run the fridge and a some lights but I didn't start it up because I was going to give it an hour to see what happened with the juice.
Then, while whacking up deer cutlets by headlamp for our already planned dinner, a miracle occurred. Electrical power was restored !
Thank God Ben Franklin invented electricity is all I have to say.