Dirt bikes!


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
When there are the work days, you see them here in force, loading trash, working on bridges, etc... many more of them than the hikers or hunters!

Jeff, that is a blanket statement that requires definition and explanation, otherwise it seems to suggest that hikers and hunters do not clean the woods. Do you mean "work days" solely created by the off-road community? If so, then naturally it is they who will show up.


Mar 12, 2008
Hammonton, NJ.

I've never been in any of the Pine Barren runs, although I do own an enduro. I myself am not that into it because it seems a little to chaotic for me, but everyone I've ever met riding in the pines has been nice and social. It's true it does only take a few to ruin it for the rest, but al least a good percentage of the riders are responsible. I do however think that some riders really do fly though the pines and it's inevitable that more and more people will get hurt in the future. A huge fear of mine is running into horses and them freaking out. I usually pull to the side and cut the engine to let them pass, but there have been a few close calls. I could see that ending badly for a group of bikes meeting a group of horses on a tight curve. But still, I'm glad we can ride in the last of the open spaces and wild places in this ever so congested state.



Mar 9, 2007
Quite a few years ago 2 of us.both Enduro Riders were on the road the goes from Quaker Bridge to Batsto[north side.]It was late afternoon,with a threat of thunderstorms.We passed Good Water Run.Between there and Quaker Bridge was a deep stretch of Sugar Sand.Half way through that section was a Station Wagon sunk to its chassis.I believe they were from Ohio.Saw the road on the map and away they went.The guy and his wife and 2 children were pretty frantic.Been stuck for a few hours.Had not heard or seen anyone.Well,my buddy Doc and I went to work.We pryed up both bumpers with the aid of old pine trees.Kept putting what ever we could find under the tires till we got the vehicle out of the sand.Then lined the two tracker with pine limbs a long ways down the road.Told the guy to get in,we would give him a push and DONT STOP till you hit high ground.Well,sir he did what he was told and he was now on high ground.We would not accept any money.Said,a Thank You was good enough.I khew there were no more bad spots to Batsto and was sure they would make it.Just wated you Piney's to know some stuff behind the scenes


New Member
Apr 9, 2009
Motorcycle club

I would like to say thanks to a couple of the club motorcle guys for helping me and my wife change a flat in the soft sand and what i am getting to is sometime later that month i ran in to one of the fellows at the WAWA and to say are you ridding today to be advised no,,we do trail clean ups two times a year,,with that said he advised me the club fiiled two dumpsters and 8 pickup trucks with debries,tires,cans and bottles etc..What I am getting to is these guys are pasonate about the land and do not get the credit they deserve,In my time of using the land I have never seen hunters,dog nor enviro groups particpate in a group effort to preserve the land only to state that someone else or other groups are not preserving it..All said a have a great day..Remember Share The Land......


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
"I have never seen hunters,dog nor enviro groups particpate in a group effort to preserve the land"
If your postings are supposed to have ANY degree of credibility, at least put in some time to check facts before making such a blanket condemnation.

By the way, how can you detect a group connection by passing someone in the woods who happens to be cleaning up? Do they have signs on their backs? Most of this forums readers cleanup without group involvement. Many others participate in other group cleanups, most notably the annual October cleanup

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
"I have never seen hunters,dog nor enviro groups particpate in a group effort to preserve the land"

You REALLY, REALLY, REALLY need to take off the blinders with a quote like that. All you need to do is look at other postings on this forum to see what an active part many groups play in cleaning up the Pines. My local Audubon Society was THE moving force to get NJ's Adopt a Highway program started.

If your postings are supposed to have ANY degree of credibility, at least put in some time to check facts before making such a blanket condemnation.
hell yeah he does. we have HUNDREDS of jeepers that put together the HUGE October cleanup. I'm working on another one as well. alot of your jeepers and "monster truck" guys that help with cleaning up the forest are huinters as well.


New Member
Apr 9, 2009
"I have never seen hunters,dog nor enviro groups particpate in a group effort to preserve the land"

You REALLY, REALLY, REALLY need to take off the blinders with a quote like that. All you need to do is look at other postings on this forum to see what an active part many groups play in cleaning up the Pines. My local Audubon Society was THE moving force to get NJ's Adopt a Highway program started.

If your postings are supposed to have ANY degree of credibility, at least put in some time to check facts before making such a blanket condemnation.

::eek:nly to state that someone else or other groups are not preserving it.. ..OBVIOUSLY: You did not finish reading my sentence,you only saw what you wanted to,,Maby you are wearing the blinders..In other words other groups whom throw stones are never there to pick them up..

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
Amen to that. I don't agree with alot of things that are stated here but you know what, I have learned alot and am happy i signed up. I still look forward to meeting all yall
Apr 6, 2004
share the land said:
::eek:nly to state that someone else or other groups are not preserving it.. ..OBVIOUSLY: You did not finish reading my sentence,you only saw what you wanted to,,Maby you are wearing the blinders..In other words other groups whom throw stones are never there to pick them up..
