Lebanon State Forest Project


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

We were out yesterday in Lebanon looking for a stone related to the Lippencott Tract which I mentioned earlier, and I came upon it looking like this. Jessica named it the "Kidney Stone."


That stone was quite remote so it had to have been a hunter who yanked it out of the ground. Someone here may say Sasquatch but I disagree. Anyway, I placed it back in the ground and it looks quite strange to see that way.


This morning I ventured out early looking for a concrete monument named NJ41.5. This is one of a set of monuments in a line running complelty across Lebanon. I have previosuly found 41.6 but have been uncessfull finding the lower numbers until my find today. I am uncertain what they were used for but I have to believe they were used by the original surveyors of Lebanon to get their bearings. They date back to at least 1932 and from the clues I have they may go back as far as 1914 to 1926.




I proceeded to again look for NJ41.4 and 41.3 which is in the vacinity of the camping area at Lebanon Glass Works, and after parking my car along the road and walking 40 feet into the semi open woods, the Park Police pulled up in front of my car. I walked out of the woods and up to his vehicle and he was running my plates on his computer. He waited until he obviously had his answer and then put his window down. The first thing he told me was that I was not allowed to park along the road and I had to park back at the Glassworks. I have to assume he felt I had just parked my car and was heading into the woods to hike. If he had asked me first he would have known what I was doing. Once I explained myself he changed, but for a minute there I was defending myself, something I should not have had to do.

So it appears parking along a road is illegal...what is your take on that? Imagine during hunting season how many vehicles are parked along roads. I wonder if they question them also?



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Guy that stone appears to have been yanked out quite recently.
When it comes to the Jerk giving you problems technically according to the signs we are only allowed to park in designated areas so I guess in Wharton your only allowed to park at Batsto in the parking lot and at Atsion and anywhere else they are at liberty to be jerks at their whim but yes you do have a legitimate gripe because you know darn well their not going to give the hunters any crap because their activity brings a lot of revenue to the state while your stone hunting brings none.Actually I think He was just being nosy hoping to catch a serial killer or perhaps a stone thief (yeah right) and that he had to come up with a reason for running your tags.Thats why he didn't open his window immediately,he had to have time to think.he didn't technically pull you over.If he had of given me the silent treatment I"d of have got in and drove off.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Have you ever noticed this "ruin" along Mt. Misery Pasadena Road in Lebanon Sate Forest?


I believe I know what it is and who owned it, or I should say used it. I am taking an educated guess and will say it was an outhouse for the properties of Asa Pittman which were in the swamps on either side of the road from the location it is at. This outhouse is somewhat similar to the one at Eureka that we have discussed in the past on this side. It may have even been made by the CCC and sold to Asa Pittman for his endeavors at the properties he owned. It was mentioned that the CCC camps in order to make money did in fact make various forms of these outhouses, even though I can't remember exactly who came up with that. Then again it may have been built by someone else right on site.

The location


The one at Eureka. Even though this one looks different I believe they served the same purpose. What is your opinion?




Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
That be Phragmites! Would they be a result of the lime in the concrete dissolving? Or do you think it's the organic much from the Poop of yesteryear? There would also be lime in the soil from the outhouse operation,is Phragmites a lime loving plant like Ebony Spleenwort?


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

A few weeks back when the park police told me I could not park along the road, I had been searching for monument 41.3 that was placed there most likely by the early surveyors of Lebanon to get their bearings. This was pre 1930. I have searched for this many times and last evening I went all out here in my computer trying to find out why I could not find it. While looking over HistoricAerials.com I found my answer. These monuments are typically close to the sides of roads and while comparing the 1931 aerial with the 1940 I noticed the road had been straighten in that specific location by presumably the CCC.

This shows the 1931 and 1940 aerial with the changes in the road.


This morning Jessica and I again parked along the road and walked further into the woods and were able to find traces of the old road. We began searching and soon I saw this.


After cleaning it off this was the clearest of them yet. NJ41.3 still there after over 84 years.


Next we searched for two of the original large monuments of Lebanon and again found duel monuments at each location.

This had the initials JM on one side of one of them.


This combo was a little tough to get to and I doubt anyone has been there in a while.




Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

I still have quite a few inscribed stones to look for and I am saving them for you and I. I have a really good idea where two of them are. The rest we will have to work at. Plus, I have quite a few notes on where there are many more stones and we will also have to work to get to some of these. So don't think I will run out before you and I can get together. If things go well I / we may be busy all winter.

I may need to have Rednek look over a few of the notes so I can get a better handle on what they are telling me. Quite a bit of 1930s survey geek talk in there :)



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I start getting sundays off in mid october and full weekends off in early november but the thing is I am getting my heel spur operated on in mid october so i will be healed enough to walk by vacation in mid november so I may be lamed up the early part of winter but I am going to have a weeks vacation left over in January (I am cancelling vacation since they take a week from me for going out for the operation,I"ll be on FMLA) so that week I can take a day at a time or whatever ad use that for stone hunting.So I may get some hunting in around early november before vacation and again in december before getting the second foot done and then again in january on my vacation days if not too lame from the second operation. I"ll work something out:)


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I have found NJ44.1, NJ 44.5, and NJ44.6, and I unknowingly saw NJ 44.4 years ago but have not been able to find it again and I believe it is missing. However, my information on NJ44.2 and NJ44.3 is nonexistant so I had to make guesses where they may be. I put a few cords in my GPS this afternoon and headed out there to give it a go. My guess for NJ44.3 was a bust, so we headed to 44.2. Jessica stood in the road and I marked two locations on both sides of the road and started searching between them while she kept my in a confined area by guiding me from the road.

NJ44.2 :)




Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Originally I needed to find a few to find stones, but now it is my own interest in finding them. They are not on a topo and not even used in any way anymore. They were used in the early days of Lebanon.