The bridge behind the Pleasant Mills Methodist Church is owned by the County. The County doesn't want to repair it and is willing to give it to the State, but the State will not take it unless it is fixed.
How frustrating is that?

The bridge behind the Pleasant Mills Methodist Church is owned by the County. The County doesn't want to repair it and is willing to give it to the State, but the State will not take it unless it is fixed.
The DEP claims that the MAP will be subject to change and that CERTAIN roads MAY be reopened IF the maintenance crews can fix them. There's no action plan for that happening, though
Roads with a right of way are to stay open.
Don't know for sure, but East Stokes road probably has a right of way, maybe 3 or 4 chains. If you go to the original roads returns in the clerk's office you will find many more roads with R.O.W.s, some not used much anymore.
So I have a question on the right of way situation, hopefully someone can steer me straight,
The definition of right of way is the legal right, established by usage or grant, to pass along a specific route through grounds or property belonging to another. So, by usage could one protest that all the roads there have a right of way? I mean we have all established usage of them and up until a few weeks ago were granted permission to use them by the state. In conjunction we all pay taxes, so the property in question belongs to all of us. So the “land manager” is granting and taking away from us us the right to drive on our own roads? I’m confused here, I'm sure there is a ton of legal BS involved, but it seems simple to me.
That makes about a grain of sand more sense than this, at least it is private property, but its still asinine! I guess that compares to Haines' property, the roads pass through but the surrounding forest is privateNot to add confusion, but this is very similar to the term 'navigable' that is used to determine if water in a stream or river that passes thru private property can be used by the public. The issue I have seen that occurs most is in upstate NY with canoeists traveling on rivers that pass thru private property, and that battle has been going thru the courts up there for decades and continues to this day.
There is a "historic preservation zone" that runs down the length of the Mullica and Batsto rivers. This was news to me.
At quick glance I can name four roads on that map that are now closed.Maybe that is the "double secret preservation" zone? There is a little-known codasyl to the NJDEP regulations which gives the superintendent unlimited power to close roads in times of forest emergencies.
But seriously, NJDEP has a shapefile that shows historic districts here:
Here's a quick mash-up of districts overlaid on public openspace. I don't see anything like that.
View attachment 6049
But maybe he meant the Batsto Natural Area? That has been marked on the Wharton maps for a long time. It is shown on the 2003 map on page 6 the FAQ you linked to before:
View attachment 6050
That makes about a grain of sand more sense than this, at least it is private property, but its still asinine! I guess that compares to Haines' property, the roads pass through but the surrounding forest is private
But maybe he meant the Batsto Natural Area?
I was there with Ben also. That was a load of crap from him. He made up things to suit his needs. He even has gone into the FFS records and found a date from 1933 when a plow line was cut to fight a fire and decided that was a reason to close that road. He even told me that he feels he has walked more roads than me. The thing he does not realize is I use roads to get to the start of where I want to go. As Jerseyman once said so eloquently on this site "You show me yours and I will show you mine."
I wasted almost 7 hours of my day going there. All he wanted was to get Ben to link to the pdf and to get us to pick roads we may want open. After he said that I cautioned the others not to do it and I am proud to say he got nothing.And I was the one who got heated and I have no regrets. I warned Ben that would happen and he had to be the one to stop me which he did. But in the end he did not care one bit about anything I said. He is in his own world and it is a world that I want no part of.
This one takes your address and figures out what representatives to mail based on that data.
Feel free to share this info and graphic with whomever you see fit. If you run into any doubters along the way,
I think they WALKED the pines more then he DROVE themGuy, if he walked from now until he retired he would not come close to your mileage. He sure picked the wrong person to say that too. From what I can see you and Jessica must hold the Guinness record for walking in the pine barrens, BY FAR.
How frustrating is that?And I am sure there is a grant to assist one of them in fixing this bridge. Hopefully the FFS will not need access to the road from that end in the near future. I would think that giving the FFS the easiest and safest access would be a priority.
I was worried about that one.Another day, another resolution! Tonight Medford passed a resolution in opposition!![]()
If nothing else this confirms that there is no compromising with him. That just confirms that we need to apply relentless pressure to his management so he is told what he needs to do.I was there with Ben also. That was a load of crap from him. He made up things to suit his needs. He even has gone into the FFS records and found a date from 1933 when a plow line was cut to fight a fire and decided that was a reason to close that road. He even told me that he feels he has walked more roads than me. The thing he does not realize is I use roads to get to the start of where I want to go. As Jerseyman once said so eloquently on this site "You show me yours and I will show you mine."
I wasted almost 7 hours of my day going there. All he wanted was to get Ben to link to the pdf and to get us to pick roads we may want open. After he said that I cautioned the others not to do it and I am proud to say he got nothing. And I was the one who got heated and I have no regrets. I warned Ben that would happen and he had to be the one to stop me which he did. But in the end he did not care one bit about anything I said. He is in his own world and it is a world that I want no part of.