ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Very nice article! I think it is noteworthy that they mentioned that John Druding of Open Trails NJ, which opposes the MAP, is also a member of the PPA. I think the position of support for the MAP that the PPA has taken is not representative of all of it's members. in fact i know it to be the case.

In anycase it is important that our voices are heard through the stakeholder groups that will now be involved in the future of Wharton State forest management. We have discussed alliance between all the various users of the forest in the past for the greater good of us all. Now is the time to make that happen.

BTW, Guy, my guess is the gentleman in the white shirt, right middle, is your brother.
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Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
The cynic in me is worried that the stakeholder meetings will either turn into a battleground between the two sides of the MAP debate, or that the state will take our concerns and promptly toss them in the bin. "Well we did seek input, we just chose to ignore it."
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The cynic in me is worried that the stakeholder meetings will either turn into a battleground between the two sides of the MAP debate, or that the state will take our concerns and promptly toss them in the bin. "Well we did seek input, we just chose to ignore it."

It is good to be a cynic. We have many things to worry about concerning this.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Has anyone noticed that on the PPA Facebook page the photo on the front says they are a NGO (Non-Governmental Organazation)? Is this something new? I was notified of this tonight.


Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
Perhaps their Pineland Adventures business caused them to change from stating a non-profit. ;)

Pinelands Adventures LLC is a wholly separate entity, as a 501(c)3 cannot, by law, operate as a recreational fee for service business. Pinelands Adventures was incorporated October 24, 2014 with Carleton Montgomery, Executive Director of the PPA, listed as its registered agent. Interestingly, on the same day, he also formed an LLC called Pinelands Adventure Properties LLC. I wonder what that's about :ninja:


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
There's a woman up in Maine who is doing that-I can't recall her name but she inherited a very large fortune and has been buying up huge tracts of land for the purposes of closing it off to all but dayhikers pretty much.

You mean Roxanne of Burt's Bee's fame and fortune :D She wants to donate her land and is in the middle of the effort to create the new North Woods National Park.


Her story;



Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Pinelands Adventures LLC is a wholly separate entity, as a 501(c)3 cannot, by law, operate as a recreational fee for service business. Pinelands Adventures was incorporated October 24, 2014 with Carleton Montgomery, Executive Director of the PPA, listed as its registered agent. Interestingly, on the same day, he also formed an LLC called Pinelands Adventure Properties LLC. I wonder what that's about :ninja:

Probably a LLC to actually "own" the canoe livery property. Then if someone drowns in the river their family can only sue PA LLC and not be able to touch the livery's actual real estate?

(This is just wild speculation on my part.)
PPA sent an email this morning. Some highlights:

"The state released a plan to protect the forest by placing some roads off-limits to motorized vehicles in August while leaving 225 miles open for vehicles.

Unfortunately, due to opposition from some motorized recreationists, the final plan will not be released until after a series of stakeholder meetings in October and a public meeting on November 5th.

In a disappointing move, the Department of Environmental Protection removed the draft MAP from their website in September. "
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Sep 14, 2014
How bout the state release a plan to protect the forest by enforcing the laws already on the books?

In a disappointing move they throw out the baby with the bathwater.
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