Search results

  1. Sue Gremlin


    Holy CRAP! That's un freaking believably big. I'd be plenty chapped at the ER doc who looked in your ear and missed THAT! Especially nice touch that part of your eardrum is still attached. :) Happy healing. You'll be good as new in no time, I'll bet. Thanks for posting about it, what an...
  2. Sue Gremlin


    All the best for a good outcome, Guy.
  3. Sue Gremlin

    Dirty Jobs - Cranberry Farmer - TONIGHT

    Yes, I am a veterinary researcher, I develop drugs and parasiticides for livestock and companion animals. What's YOUR explanation? Wait. Do we even want to know? :ninja:
  4. Sue Gremlin

    Dirty Jobs - Cranberry Farmer - TONIGHT

    Ooh, I don't know, I spent my day wrestling with sheep yesterday, and I wasn't exactly clean afterward. :)
  5. Sue Gremlin

    I hit a beaver

    Rabbits aren't rodents, they're a different order, lagomorphs.
  6. Sue Gremlin

    I hit a beaver

    Squirrels are rodents, too! I had no idea you guys were such epicureans. This menu may interest you all. :)
  7. Sue Gremlin

    pet rat up for adoption

    Aw. Rats do make good pets. I wish we could take him especially because we watched "Ratatouille" yesterday. :) But we have cats who would both love to make an hors d'oevure out of him. Have you tried advertising him in the pets section of Craigslist? A small adoption fee will help to keep...
  8. Sue Gremlin

    Vanity Plate

    You are correct about that. :)
  9. Sue Gremlin

    Vanity Plate

    Working for a fortune 100 company, I can tell you that a 3% sales increase is too small for their tastes. The goal is double digit growth. My company is expected to increase by less than that next year, so is now making huge cutbacks, including laying off a rumored 10% of the staff starting this...
  10. Sue Gremlin

    Environmental Hazardous Waste Services

    :rofl: Wow, people are strange.
  11. Sue Gremlin

    Making Bloom Iron

    Wow, that's fascinating. Why would this be an illegal activity? I remember seeing that tree at Martha, Joe and I mused for a while what that was all about. This is just the best forum. I learn something new every day from you guys. :)
  12. Sue Gremlin

    Eagle's Nest Destruction

    Seriously, WTF? Why would anyone do this?
  13. Sue Gremlin

    diurnal ice crunching

    That last photo is fantastic. I'd hang that on the wall.
  14. Sue Gremlin

    Better Than Google Earth?

    It put me in white plains NY. I think that's where our servers are.
  15. Sue Gremlin

    Yet another new guy

    Hi Doc!
  16. Sue Gremlin

    water proof camera

    You might want to look in a scuba store for a camera housing. That might be the best way to go in your case.
  17. Sue Gremlin

    An icy beaver pond

    Oh, man, what a PERFECT skating pond. Thanks for showing these to us!
  18. Sue Gremlin

    Life after people

    Who's on you? I think you're misunderstanding or something. I love cats. They're so smart and funny. I love dogs, too, even the little bitey ones. :)
  19. Sue Gremlin

    Life after people

    Well, who's to say that the lions and the bears wouldn't gain the ability to fly as well? :) The buildings would fall over in what, 500 years? That's a blink of an eye on an evolutionary scale. Not nearly enough time for an adaptation like that. I am not sure I'd want a flying cat...
  20. Sue Gremlin

    Life after people

    Okay, that's not exactly how evolution works. They lost me with the cats.