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  1. MikeBickerson

    Review – The Domestic Life of the Jersey Devil

    You did a fine job, sir :)
  2. MikeBickerson

    Hurricane season begins today and

    After the storm, I was left afterwards with the feeling that we got incredibly, incredibly lucky. That storm lost a ton of strength right before it hit us, it's almost unimaginable what it would have done if it hadn't. I guess that why, as awful as it was, it registers in my brain as not "a...
  3. MikeBickerson

    Hurricane season begins today and

    Sorry Guy, thanks for the fix!
  4. MikeBickerson

    Hurricane season begins today and

    From the Press of Atlantic City.... Long Beach Island is practically gone in 1962
  5. MikeBickerson

    Hurricane season begins today and

    I'm finishing up Great Storms of the Jersey Shore, it's a little terrifying. I can't believe some the pictures from the 1962 Nor'Easter. Really, the Jersey shore has been very fortunate for a long while, it's been such a long time since we had a direct blow.
  6. MikeBickerson

    Unusual fog bank creates eerie effect off the N.J. coast

    It's that first second of panic when you looked offshore that would have made this extra good in person.
  7. MikeBickerson

    What’s Going On Inside A Turtle’s Shell

    Well, one more thing I don't have to wonder about anymore.
  8. MikeBickerson

    Bobwhite's released

    That's awesome.
  9. MikeBickerson

    Ticks explode

    I haven't noticed them any worse than usual, only had three on me so far this year, although one did bite (stupid thing was in the middle of my back after I was out in Shamong). Grrr....
  10. MikeBickerson

    Review – The Domestic Life of the Jersey Devil

    I just finished this one last week (picked it up at Lines on the Pines). I definitely enjoyed it. Although Mr. Sprouse seems to be lacking in the whimsy department, it's a nice, historical counterpoint to the McCloy-Miller books, with a personal touch. I especially enjoyed his stories of...
  11. MikeBickerson

    Batona patch

    I pushed the Boy Scouts to make a patch about five or six years ago, never even got a courtesy reply. Matthew, I'd buy some for my troop, absolutely.
  12. MikeBickerson

    marlton windmill

    Holly Ravine! I grew up around the corner from there, my dad would stop in and get cigarettes. In return, we'd get to feed the animals. Went there for ice cream too, but it was sold when I was only 6 or 7. I remember them moving the house to the back of the property where it still is today.
  13. MikeBickerson

    Pine Barrens unusual names

    So much less fun.
  14. MikeBickerson

    Pine Snake

    He's definitely giving you a look.
  15. MikeBickerson

    Forest Fire at Atsion

    Well done to them, it couldn't have been an easy task.
  16. MikeBickerson

    Mary Lee is visiting

    Wow. Just wow.
  17. MikeBickerson

    First Kayak/Canoe Trip

    The new Pinelands Adventures has some info on Teegate's run. They also have info from Hampton Furnace to Quaker Bridge - I know the...
  18. MikeBickerson

    First Kayak/Canoe Trip

    I second Teegate, the streams there are slow and sluggish The other trip in the area is to put in at Atsion and come out at Pleasant Mills (the in is just past Atsion Lake, next to the old mill. The out is just before Batsto on 542. This is a long day though, the river is tight and slow at...
  19. MikeBickerson

    Forest Fire at Atsion

    Wow, that got really close to the church. From the pictures, it looks like the burn area is on all sides of the church except the road, is that right?
  20. MikeBickerson

    Time to bend over again
