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  1. NJSnakeMan

    David Estell

    What kind of damage???
  2. NJSnakeMan

    David Estell

    Last night a friend of mine told me about a man by the name of David Estell, who supposedly killed himself and his family one night at where is now Estell Manor. His body is also supposedly burried at some old abandoned church off of Rt.50 (which we visited last night). Any evidence behind...
  3. NJSnakeMan

    Rare White GrassPink

    i think i'm going to start photographing all of the cool/weird looking wildflowers i see out in the pine barrens and letting you identify them for me
  4. NJSnakeMan

    6/16 herping trip...pines and corns

    Don't worry, I won't be sitting a foot from a rattlesnake's face taking a picture.. lol =-D. Seriously though, i've found a lot of rattlers and copperheads in PA, i really don't mess with them, just pictures. It has to be njsnakeMAN, i'm a dad now.
  5. NJSnakeMan

    6/16 herping trip...pines and corns

    yeah....6/16. that darn rattlesnake still eludes me!
  6. NJSnakeMan

    6/16 herping trip...pines and corns thanks for looking, brandon
  7. NJSnakeMan

    Tour of south jersey and pine snakes

    sorry... had to post again, this is some GOOD stuff!!! Let alone the three pine snakes, you found a crap load of other stuff, not to mention another mud turtle! Terripans are out in full force.. found 21 on saturday
  8. NJSnakeMan

    Eastern Kingsnakes

    too bad you aren't doing a pine snake website.. i'd really be able to help you out there. i will send you pics of kings if i find any this year
  9. NJSnakeMan

    The Batona Trail - Hiking

    Sometime, probably next year, I want to hike the Batona Trail. I've read over a few things and searched it up, and downloaded some maps already. Does anyone have some advice for me? It should take less then a week, I'm guessing. Are you aloud to camp along the trail, or are there campgrounds...
  10. NJSnakeMan

    Picture of a giant bird seen in the pines

    it's the jersey devil, arhhh run!
  11. NJSnakeMan

    Swamp, Creek, Flowers, and...oh yes.. Rattlers

    ok guys.. i've already found loads of herps this year... but arg that rattlesnake makes me ITCH! I HAVE to go out and find one this month!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. NJSnakeMan

    Pine barrens herping 5/29

    once again, those are some great salamanders that very few actually see in the pine barrens
  13. NJSnakeMan

    pine barrens herping 5/26 -Brandon
  14. NJSnakeMan

    Eastern Hognose?

    great find! hognose snake are certainly not the most common snake in the pine barrens, or anywhere for that matter. i've only ever found one, last year. seems like the snakes are really starting to move.
  15. NJSnakeMan

    Some pictures in the Pine Barrens

    cool birds man, especially that green heron. Haven't seen one of those in a year or so
  16. NJSnakeMan

    Hampton Road

    cool looking place, never been there
  17. NJSnakeMan


    Has anyone begun to hear Pine Barren Treefrog calling yet? I'm getting out Saturday night of the 26th to look for some.
  18. NJSnakeMan

    Pink is up!

    no.. i meant North America... thanks for all the suggestions guys.. i think i'll go for the PB Plant guide and the petersons' guide
  19. NJSnakeMan

    Pink is up!

    really cool... do any of you recommend field guides for eastern plants of NA
  20. NJSnakeMan


    yeah..that is a good site... oh yeah, had to say this. The N. Red salamander is actually a Redback salamander (plethodon cinerus)